How to Cancel a Membership Plan
To cancel a customer’s membership, just click the change membership button in the membership panel of the desired customer’s record.
After clicking the change membership button, the user will see the membership changes dialog.
The current member(s) will be listed on the right side of the dialog. The membership will be canceled for all members listed here.
If the user only wants to remove a single member, not all members listed, they should use the “Modify” button in the membership panel instead.
To cancel the membership, click the “Cancel Plan” button.
The user will see a confirmation dialog. If “Keep Plan” is clicked, the confirmation will close and nothing else happens.
If “Cancel Plan” is clicked in the confirmation dialog, or once a payment has been selected in the membership payment dialog mentioned above, the user will be brought to the refund dialog.
Users must have sales and refund permissions to move forward with the refund process.
In the refund dialog, the user will see the items from the original membership sale.
The selection buttons on the left can be clicked for the items that should be added to the refund.
The end date can be adjusted, but it is set to the current day by default.
The refund amount will be prorated, based on the number of days the customer has already had the membership. This amount can be changed if needed by clicking the amount button.
If the user does not wish to complete a refund during this process, they can set all refund amounts to $0.00 and continue through the remaining steps.
Selected items will be shown on the right side of the dialog.
The refund total is shown at the bottom.
Once the correct items and prices have been chosen, the user can click the “Next” button.
The return funds dialog is where the user can choose what payment type the refund should go to. The amount can be split between multiple payment types.
The options here will depend on what payment type was used during the original sale.
Once the payment types and amounts are set, the user can complete the refund.
The total of all amounts entered in the amount fields will show in the green “Refund” field. This must match the “Total Refund” field to the left or the refund cannot be completed.