Navigating the Kiosk

Navigating the Kiosk

The brand new Community Connect Kiosk looks very different from the old kiosk but offers the same functional benefits. Understanding how to navigate around it is important if you want to get the most out of it. 


The kiosk starts up and maintains a header bar along the top of the screen which offers users information and a number of useful options. These options are accessible at all times while using the kiosk software. As a reference, the menu will always show the time and date next to the Community Connect logo. Selecting the Community Connect logo will direct the user back to the kiosk landing screen.


There are three status icons to help users know the state of the kiosk.

  1. Network status

  2. Credit card terminal status

  3. Barcode scanner status


When there is a problem with one of the connections the icon will turn red.

The release notes and knowledge base links will allow users to see what is new and learn more about the kiosk.


Selecting either of these will open a tab in the default internet browser.

Use the "Sign In" button to login and unleash the kiosk's potential! All access to kiosk functions are governed by user permissions. Login using your four digit Community Connect user code.

After logging in users will always have quick access to a list of recent entries to the center. This can help quickly identify customers or access to a customer profile.


The kiosk notifications will be displayed at the top to provide clear, concise information to kiosk users.


When a user is logged in the cash drawer button will open options related to the register session on the kiosk.

When a register session is open the icon will turn blue.


Selecting the three vertical dots (ellipsis icon) will open a kiosk menu. The available options will vary depending on if a user is logged in and what permissions the user has enabled.


Finally, users will see the large kiosk module icons listed center screen. By default, all users will see the Daily Agenda and Program Guide.




The Customers and Sales modules will only be available after a user logs into the kiosk.



When a user enters a module the list of modules are condensed and stuck to the bottom of the screen.


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