How the Payment Methods page Works

How the Payment Methods page Works

The Payment Methods page gives users a chance to see a customer’s saved bank drafts, credit cards, gift cards, and scholarships. It can be accessed by clicking the “Pay” button on the left side of the customer record.

Users must have “View Customer” permission to access this page, and “Edit Customer” permission to make any changes to this page.

Labels show the user when a payment method is expired, or expiring soon, starting soon, or being used as the auto pay method. These labels are seen to the right side of the payment methods.

Note: There is not a label on active payment methods that do not meet the requirements for any of the above mentioned labels.

The “Expired” label shows on any credit card or scholarship that has an expiration date of any day before the current date.

The “Expires Soon” label shows on any credit card or scholarship that has an expiration date of any day within the next 60 days of the current date.

The “Starting Soon” label shows on any scholarship that has a start date within the next 60 days of the current date.

The “Auto Pay” label shows on any payment method that is currently set up for a billing customer’s auto pay.

This label will still show if the autopay is set to “suspended”.

Existing credit card payment methods can be clicked to edit the payment information, or to delete the payment method.

Bank drafts must be removed or edited through RMS, but the details can still be viewed by clicking the payment method in the Kiosk.

Scholarships must be removed or edited through RMS, but the details can still be viewed by clicking the payment method in the Kiosk.

There is an add button at the bottom of the payment methods page, so users can create new payment methods.

From here, users can manually enter card information using the credit card device, or they can click “Process” to swipe/insert the card.

Once complete, the new payment type will show in the Add Credit or Debit Card dialog, where users can click save to add the card to the customer record.

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