How does Entry Status Work?
The entry status is shown in the header of the customer record and lets the user see if the customer is not allowed in, or if there is something the customer needs to do before being allowed in.
If there are no notifications, the icon is gray with a smiley face, indicating the customer is allowed entry.
When there is a comment on a customer’s record, which does not impact entry status (no yellow or red notifications), the icon is a blue-gray color with a comment symbol.
These are created with the comments button in the header, to the right of entry status, and do not affect entry.
Users can add yellow notifications in RMS. If there is a yellow notification, meaning the customer is allowed in, but something needs to be addressed first, the icon is yellow with a bell symbol.
Yellow notifications are also shown for other reasons. These have different icons. Continue reading below.
If the customer has any forms or waivers that need to be signed before entry is allowed, the icon is yellow with a form symbol.
If a customer needs to make a payment before being allowed in, there is a yellow dollar icon.
If there is a red notification, meaning the customer is not allowed in, the customer entry icon is red with a bell.
When there are multiple different notifications at the same time, an exclamation symbol shows.
If one of those is a red notification, the icon will be red instead of yellow.
When there is something showing in the entry status icon, the user can click the entry status icon to see any comments, or missing payments/wavers.
A user must have permission to view the details of a red notification. They will always be able to see that there is one, but users without permission will need to get a supervisor (with permission) to override the red notification and read the details.
Notifications can be dismissed and waivers can be signed from here.
Notice: The color of the notification matches the color of the message in this dialog.
These messages can also be seen on the customer record page, below the header. The user can see how many messages there are in the bottom left, and use the arrows on either side to see the other messages.
The user can show/hide the notifications using the button in the top right.
A user must have permission to view the details of a red notification. They will always be able to see that there is one, but users without permission will need to get a supervisor (with permission) to override the red notification and read the details.