How Kiosk Comments are Created and Viewed

How Kiosk Comments are Created and Viewed

A kiosk comment can be created on a customer’s record by clicking the Comment icon in the customer header.

When clicked, a comment box opens. From here the user just needs to click in the text field labeled “Kiosk Comments” to begin typing.

The user must have permission to add/edit comments on a customer’s record.

Once their comment is entered, the user should click the Save button to save their comment to the customer’s record and close the dialog.

There is no delete button. To delete comments, simply delete the text and click save.

At any time, the user can click the Cancel button to close the dialog. If there have been no changes made, the dialog will close and the user will be brought back to the customer record.

If cancel is clicked when there are unsaved changes to the comments, a dialog will appear asking the user what they would like to do next.

  1. Cancel - Brings the user back to the comment dialog without doing anything

  2. Discard changes - Deletes any changes made and goes back to the customer record

  3. Save and Continue - Saves the changes and goes back to the customer record

When there is a comment saved on a customer’s record, it will show in a grey box below the header.

These are not Yellow or Red notifications and do not affect building entry.

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