How is an officer's retirement due date calculated?
Question Summary
How does OMS determine an officer's retirement due date?
The logic OMS uses to determine an officer's retirement due date varies by territory. Here are the options and a showing of which territory is using each.
Single Officer Option (default for all territories):
Display the due date based on the birth date and eligible age (similar to the married option 1 but there’s no spouse date to consider). OMS leverages the "Projected Retirement Dates" table on the Settings>Retirement Options screen to determine the eligible age based on birth date.
Married Option 1 (used by the territories CAN, USC, USE, and USW):
Retrieve the each spouses retirement eligible date.
Compare the eligible dates and display the earliest eligible date as the due date for both spouses.
Married Option 2 (used by the USS territory):
Display the husband's eligible date as the wife's due date.
If you feel the retirement due date is incorrect, rather than manually changing it, try resetting the due date.