How to retire an officer

How to retire an officer

When an officer is ready to retire users have the ability to retire them in OMS which will cause the officer's status to change to "Retired" and add a retirement date to their record. The best way to do this is to use the remove wizard.

Step-by-step guide

Using the Remove Wizard will set all the required data and make the adjustments necessary to set a record as retired. Please refer to the article How to use the Remove Wizard for steps on using it.

When an officer or envoy are retired in OMS the following things will happen:

  1. Person Status will change from "Active" to "Retired"
  2. An actual retired date is saved
    1. The field "Retired Date" will be populated with a date
    2. This date is displayed on:
      1. Officer Heading
      2. Officer Summary
      3. Service Dates

        This date can be edited from the Service Dates screen

  3. The person type will not change - Officer or Envoy will remain current (no end date)

Please refer to the article "How to use the Remove Wizard" for more information on the retirement process.

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