Managing Allowance Modifiers
There are a number of allowance modifiers that can apply to an officer's allowance outside of their base allowance amount. These could be a child allowance, long service, cost of living supplement, positional allowance, or household allowance. Each of these allowances is awarded to officers in different ways.
For users convenience, the OMS allowance screen will show allowance data for the selected officer and their spouse.
Step-by-step guide
Use the list below to understand how each allowance modifier is awarded.
Children Allowance
The child allowance is applied to an officer anytime they have a child flagged as a "dependent".
The child allowance will be split automatically if the child is listed as a dependent on more than one officer.
The child allowance amount will automatically adjust based on the child's age (using the child allowance amounts that have been set under settings).
OMS will automatically remove this allowance when the dependent flag is removed.
OMS will not automatically remove the "dependent" flag. Users can use the "Child Listing" report or the "Child over 18" alert to know when to remove a child's dependent flag.
Long Service Allowance
The long service allowance is automatically applied based on the officer's length of service.
25-year award
30-year award
35-year award
40-year award
45-year award
50-year award
The long service allowance amount will automatically adjust based on the length of service (using the long service amounts that have been set under settings).
Cost of Living Supplement
The cost of living supplement is awarded by automatically based on an officer's current appointment.
The amount will automatically adjust based on the officer's current appointment (based on the amounts that have been set under settings).
OMS will automatically remove this allowance if the officer changes appointments.
Generally, this allowance is intended to help officer's living in areas with a high cost of living. It can be defined under Settings>Allowance Modifiers>Per Officer. Here users can specify a specific dollar amount be awarded to officer's holding active appointments in a certain division or location.
Positional Allowance
The positional allowance is awarded by manually entering an amount on the officer's allowance screen.
The positional allowance can be manually added, edited or removed at any time.
OMS will not automatically remove this allowance.
Household Allowance
The household allowance is awarded by manually entering an amount on the officer's allowance screen.
The household allowance can be manually added, edited or removed at any time.
OMS will not automatically remove this allowance.
The allowance screen will display the amounts for the current pay period. These can be viewed under Settings>Allowance Modifiers.