CommConn Release Notes version 1.2 - 12/6/2022

CommConn Release Notes version 1.2 - 12/6/2022

Welcome to Community Connect!

Community Connect version 1.2 Release

  • December 6th, 2022 → Release 2022-11 Patch

  • November 29th, 2022 → Release 2022-11

  • October 25th, 2022 → Release 2022-10

  • September 27th, 2022 → Release 2022-09

  • August 30th, 2022 → Release 2022-08

  • July 26th, 2022 → Release 2022-07

  • July 5th, 2022 → Release 2022-06 Patch

  • June 6th, 2022 → Release 2022-06

  • May 6th, 2022 → Release 2022-05

  • April 26th, 2022 → Release 2022-04

  • March 29th, 2022 → Community Connect Release

  • February 23rd, 2022 → Community Connect Release

  • January 31st, 2022 → Community Connect Release 1.2.9

  • December 21st, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • October 26th, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • August 31st, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • July 29th, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • June 29th, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • April 27th, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • March 30th, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • February 24th, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • February 8th, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • January 26th, 2021 → Community Connect Release 1.2.8

  • November 19th, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2.7

  • November 2nd, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2.6

  • September 30th, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2.5

  • August 27th, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2.4

  • July 31st, 2020 → Community Connect Release

  • July 28th, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2.3

  • June 30th, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2.2

  • May 26th, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2.1

  • May 7th, 2020 → Community Connect Release

  • March 30th, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2


Review the details for each release below.

What's New in 1.2…

November Community Connect Patch Release

released date: December 6th, 2022

Community Connect Kiosk - NEW APP!

  • Corrected an issue introduced in the November release where membership discounts were sometimes not calculated properly for class sales.

  • The class price override button is now disabled when making a downpayment on a class.

November Community Connect Release

released date: November 29th, 2022

Community Connect Kiosk - NEW APP!

  • When renewing a non-autopay membership and changing the term to autopay, the kiosk is now prompting for the autopay payment method.

  • When making a downpayment on a class and also applying a discount, the discount is now applied to the full class price, and not to the downpayment amount. For example, if purchasing a $100 class with a 25% discount, and making a $20 downpayment, the $100 class is discounted to $75. Then the $20 downpayment is collected, leaving a balance due of $55. Previously, the discount was incorrectly being applied to the downpayment itself.

  • When purchasing a class for a prorated price, the downpayment option is no longer permitted if the prorated amount due is less than the minimum downpayment amount. In this case, the remaining amount must be paid in full.

  • When making a downpayment on a class, the kiosk no longer allows you to enter a downpayment amount that is greater than the balance due.

  • When making a downpayment on a class and then later applying a discount that reduces the amount due for that class in the cart, the downpayment amount is now automatically reduced to the amount due if the discount resulted in a new class price that is less than the downpayment amount entered in the cart.

  • If a customer has a balance due for a class but then is removed from the roster, the kiosk will no longer prompt to collect the remaining balance during checkin.

  • If a customer is on a wait list for a roster class that also offers single visits, the customer is no longer automatically removed from the wait list if they only purchase a single visit. If they purchase the entire class, they will continue to be automatically removed.

  • When renewing a membership plan, the start date is now set correctly for all renewal terms, including autopay. When an autopay plan is renewed within one calendar month of expiration, the start date is now set back to the first of the current month.

  • The activity list in the activity dialog now shows the number of people checked into the class in addition to the number purchased and the total class capacity.

Community Connect Online Sales

  • An issue that could cause SMS (text) messages not to be sent under certain circumstances within Online Sales has been corrected.

Customer Communications

  • A change was made to how we record which emails sent to customers were actually opened. Apple recently introduced a new feature that would allow the device itself to open an email anonymously even when the user didn’t open it. Community Connect now ignores these types of Opens, and only records emails being opened when actually clicked by the user. Device initiated Opens are now ignored. This may result in a noticeable reduction in the number of emails reported as Opened within Community Connect reports.

October Community Connect Release

release date: October 25th, 2022



  • The Marketing Member List Report now allows selection of multiple Member Package and Member Category parameter values.

  • The Customer Total Purchases Report now allows selection of multiple Membership Plan parameter values.

Community Connect Kiosk - NEW APP!

  • Added the ability to print the Roster for any roster class.

  • Added the ability to print the Wait List for any roster class.

  • Adjusted the printed sales receipt to show punch card discount and payment amounts more clearly.

  • Fixed an issue where employee discounts were being applied to roster classes, but not to drop-ins or single visits.

  • Fixed an issue where selling a class to a specific customer directly from the Wait List tab of the Activity Dialog was sometimes showing an error and not allowing the user to complete the sale of the class.

  • Added the remaining punches to the printed sale receipt when a punch card is used.

  • Scanning a customer barcode from the Membership Renewal dialog on a multi-member plan now adds the customer to the plan without the need to do a search.

  • Fixed an issue where customers who are no longer active on a roster were still showing on the roster tab in the kiosk.

  • Fixed an issue where the “No customer record found” message resulting from scanning an invalid customer barcode from within the customer advanced search dialog would appear behind the search window, and therefore was partially hidden.

  • During the class sale process, a customer who has a single visit in the cart is now still eligible to be added to the Wait List. (Note that if the full roster class purchase is in the cart, they are still considered ineligible for the Wait List.)

  • On membership plan renewals, the start date of the plan is now read-only, since renewals by definition are extending the existing plan.

  • On membership plan changes, the start date of the new plan is now read-only, since a change of plan is always effective immediately.

  • When in the Customer Advanced Search dialog, the basic search button is now disabled. Previously, the user could click either the simple or advanced search button, which was causing confusion about which search was being executed.

September Community Connect Release

release date: September 27th, 2022



  • The Building Entry Marketing Report now correctly filters by Center.

Community Connect Kiosk - NEW APP!

  • Made changes to improve customer search performance.

  • Customer search is now limited to 50 results, and shows a “Showing 50 of XXX“ message when there are more than 50 matches.

  • Fixed an issue where the customer profile screen would not open and an error was displayed if the Center did not have any Tags defined.

  • Added the ability to scan a gift card to view or print the remaining balance.

  • Added the ability to scan a punch card to view or print the remaining punches.

  • Added the ability to copy address information from the primary billing customer in the customer profile screen.

  • Added the ability to select a custom date range when viewing customer purchase history, allowing you to view purchases from more than one year ago.

  • Added the ability to print the selected customer purchase history data.

  • Added the ability to select a custom date range when viewing customer entry history, allowing you to view building entries from more than one year ago.

  • Added the ability to print the selected customer entry history data.

  • Added the ability to scan coupons, punch cards and employee discounts directly from the cart without the need to first open the discounts dialog.

  • Added the ability to view and print the activity attendance list from any activity in the Activities tab of the class detail dialog, including drop-ins and single visits.

  • Dimmed the display of the autopay payment amount in the cart to help clarify that the autopay amount is informational and not included in the amount due today.

  • Added the remaining balance for a class to the receipt when making a partial payment.

  • A customer can no longer be added to the waitlist if they are already on the waitlist, already on the roster, or have the class already in the cart for purchase.

  • Fixed an issue where the list of available Tags was sometimes not reset after clearing a search.

  • The simple search button is now disabled when doing an advanced search in the customer search or purchase history dialogs.

  • In the customer search, performing an advanced search now clears any pre-existing simple search criteria.

  • In the purchase history dialog, clicking the “X” to clear the search clears the search criteria in both the simple and advanced search.

  • The Save button is no longer shown in the customer photo edit dialog when no camera is connected.

  • Cleaned up some minor UI issues with margins, colors, and other aesthetic improvements.

August Community Connect Release

release date: August 30th, 2022



  • Addressed an issue that would cause customer merge to fail under certain circumstances for autopay customers.

Online Sales

  • Openings for roster, drop-ins and single visits now correctly handle unlimited capacities rather than showing 0 openings for unlimited classes.

  • When adding a payment method or completing a purchase, online sales will now show an appropriate message if temporarily unable to process the transactions.


  • Added the customer barcode to the Autopay Status History Report.

  • Added spacing between rows in the Autopay Status History Report to make a clearer separation between rows.

Community Connect Kiosk - NEW APP!

  • Fixed an issue where scanning an invalid coupon barcode in the discounts dialog would crash the kiosk.

  • Fixed an issue where scanning an invalid employee barcode in the discounts dialog would crash the kiosk.

  • Added the ability to search for customers using tags in the advanced search when selecting customers for activity waitlists, membership sales, day pass sales, activity sales, concession sales, as a purchaser in the sales cart, and when adding members to a multi-member plan in the customer module.

  • When adding multiple customers to an activity sale, the “+” button will no longer scroll off the bottom of the screen as more customers are added.

  • If a concession item has no prices defined, the kiosk will now prompt for a price as it does when a $0 price is selected. Previously, this would cause an error loading the concession item in the sales module.

  • Corrected an issue which could, under certain circumstances, cause a customer to appear only on a single activity rather than on the class roster when purchasing that roster class from the Daily Agenda or Customer Agenda screens.

  • In the membership sales dialog, the term “Unit Price” has been replaced with “Autopay”, “Annual”, or “Monthly”, depending on the selected plan term.

  • In the day pass sales dialog, the term “Unit Price” has been replaced with “Daily”.

  • In all areas where a customer photo is displayed, a red dot (similar to the green dot that indicates a building entry today) has been added when the customer has the Do Not Allow Entry flag set.

  • When searching for customers to add to an activity, membership, day pass, concession, waitlist, or other customer list, customers who were not eligible were disabled and could not be selected, but there was no indication as to why they were ineligible. In these situations, the reason they are not eligible will now be shown in the search results list.

  • When using the Advanced Search to look up a customer and then choosing to create a new customer, the following fields will be copied to the new customer record if specified in the Advanced Search: First Name, Last Name, Email, Birthdate. (Note that the phone number is NOT copied, since the search has only one Phone field to search all three types of phone numbers, and the system would not know which of those three phone number fields to populate.)

  • When a user did not have access to edit customer health data, clicking on one of the checkboxes in that screen would still highlight that checkbox, even though the value could not be changed. Readonly checkboxes are no longer highlighted in this scenario.

  • Corrected an issue where certain Tags would no longer be available for selection in the customer search after using them in a previous search and then clearing the search criteria. It is no longer necessary to leave the search screen and come back in order to reset the list to the full set of Tag values after clearing a previous search.

  • Fixed an issue where the date and time at the top of the kiosk screen would freeze on the last day of each month.

  • Customers with the Do Not Allow Entry flag set can no longer be added to a membership or day pass sale. (Prevention of activity sales for these customers was released last month.)

  • When a barcode was manually entered for a customer in the customer profile screen, the entered barcode was changed automatically on Save if the barcode entered was already in use, but there was no obvious notification to the user. This has been changed to no longer reassign the barcode, but instead to show a validation error and prevent the Save until corrected manually.

  • In membership purchase or renewal screens, the separate Override buttons for Unit Price and Registration Fee have been replaced with a single Override button. If the current user does not have permission for price overrides, they will be prompted one single time for supervisor override when clicking this button. The button now opens a single dialog that allows overrides for:

    • Unit Price or Registration Fee on Annual or Monthly plans

    • Unit Price, Registration Fee, and “Due Today” price on autopay plans

  • When adding customers to the following lists, the added customers will appear in the order they were added. If necessary, the list will automatically scroll down to show the last customer added.

    • When adding customers to a plan in Membership sales

    • When adding customers during Day Pass sales

    • When adding customers to a multi-member plan in the customer module.

  • If an autopay plan was added to the sale cart but the autopay payment method dialog was skipped, the dialog to add or choose the autopay payment method will now be shown again if you edit the cart item.

  • If a monthly or annual plan was added to the sale cart and then edited and changed to an autopay plan, the dialog to add or choose the autopay payment method will now be shown.

  • Fixed an issue in the Purchase History screen where switching to advanced search was not clearing any previously entered simple search string, which sometimes resulted in an error.

  • Corrected an issue where the refund amount shown on a receipt was incorrect when the refund occurred as part of changing a customer membership plan to a less expensive plan.

July Community Connect Release

release date: July 26th, 2022


Online Sales

  • For roster classes that allow single visits, the number of openings are now shown for each activity in the single visit list.

  • When showing available openings for classes, the number or openings will no longer show a negative number. If oversold, the number of openings will show “0 Openings”.

  • Added the ability for customers with autopay to be able to turn off their autopay online.

    • This feature was made available at USW on July 5th, but is now available for centers in all territories.

    • This feature is turned off by default for all centers except those at USW.

    • Please contact your Territory’s Kroc Specialist to enable this new feature in Online Sales.

    • Keep in mind that this feature is required in the state of California.


  • Modified the Health Partners Enrollment Report to allow the user to enter a custom date range. (USE ONLY)

  • Modified the Invoice Report to allow the user to limit the number of customers in the drop down to those with open events within a specified date range. The date range can be edited, and closed events can also be optionally included.

  • Added a new Autopay status history report that shows a list of any members whose autopay has been turned on or off (or has been suspended or unsuspended) within a specified period of time.

    • This report was made available at USW on July 5th, but is now available for centers in all territories.

    • For those centers who have turned on the new feature that allows customers to turn off their autopay online, you can optionally filter the report to just those customers who did it online in order to help identify members with whom they may want to follow up.

Community Connect Mobile

  • Corrected an issue in the mobile customer transactions screen where the “No payment methods on file” message was showing when there was no credit card on file, even though there were other payment methods, such as ACH and/or scholarships, present.

Community Connect Pilot Kiosk - NEW APP!

  • The ability to print a customer barcode from the customer screen is back! A button has been added to the customer header which prints the customer barcode to the receipt printer.

  • Fixed an issue where customer barcodes could randomly fail to scan in the customer search screen under certain conditions.

  • When selling activities, a customer with Do Not Allow Entry set can no longer purchase a class.

  • All data fields in the customer health screen are now properly disabled when a user does not have access to edit health information.

  • The Modify button in the customer autopay screen is now disabled for users who don’t have permission to edit autopay data. Prior to this change, users without this permission could click the button, but would get an error message.

  • The Change Plan button in the customer membership dialog is now disabled if a customer’s plan is expired.

  • Users are now prompted to save changes if they click any button that would cause them to leave the customer screen while there are unsaved changes. In previous versions, there were certain scenarios where the prompt would not show, so it was unclear why you couldn’t leave the screen.

  • The Edit button on the customer photo dialog is no longer available when there is no camera is available. Prior to this change, users could click the button, but would get an error message when no camera was present.

  • Fixed an issue where the Reprint button in the cart (for reprinting receipts) was only allowing a single reprint.

  • The Reprint button in the cart is now disabled when there is no printer installed in order to make it clear that you cannot reprint a receipt. Prior to this change, users could click the button, but nothing would print.

  • When renewing a membership plan from the customer screen, a message stating that the plan was no longer offered was sometimes showing when the actual problem was that the customer’s plan was just expired and not able to be renewed. This message text has been corrected to show the appropriate message in each of those two scenarios.

  • An issue adding tags was corrected in the customer search and edit screens. If a tag is selected and then unselected, it correctly shows in the drop down so that you can select it again without exiting the screen.

  • An issue in the customer tag control where using arrow keys to scroll through the list of tags would actually add each selected tag to the list. You can now arrow through the list, and the tag is not selected unless you click it or hit ENTER.

  • The “Tag Search” text is now properly removed when you click in the tag control and type a tag name.

  • The arrow for the tag drop down is no longer partially cut off.

  • Changed labels in the Membership Information dialog to “Start” and “End”. They were previously “Started” and “:Ended”, which implied that they were in the past.

  • Cleaned up size and spacing of icons in the customer header to more easily differentiate between clickable buttons and other data icons.


June Community Connect Release

release date: July 5th, 2022


Online Sales

  • Addressed an issue where Online Sales did not show a price for Roster classes offered as Single Visit ONLY.

  • USW ONLY: Added the ability for customers with autopay to be able to turn off their autopay online.

  • USW ONLY: When a customer turns off their autopay online, the name of the customer making the change is shown in the customer audit log.

Community Connect Mobile

  • The customer agenda screen now correctly shows a Visit label when a customer purchases a Single Visit. Previously these were showing with a Roster label.

Community Connect Pilot Kiosk - NEW APP!

  • Corrected an issue that could cause certain types of sales to be out balance when purchased using a punch card.

  • Added the ability to see and edit customer tags in the customer profile screen.

  • Added the ability to search for customers by tag in the customer advanced search screen.

  • When clicking on a class or activity in the Daily Agenda, Program Guide, or Activity Sales module, the details screen is now refreshed to show the most recent information, including the most recent capacity information.

  • All credit card declines now correctly show as declined. This addresses an issue where certain types of declines were previously showing as a device error rather than a decline.

  • Addressed an issue where the kiosk was sometimes showing an incorrect credit card type in a message when a transaction was partially approved.

  • The customer agenda screen now correctly shows a Visit label when a customer purchases a Single Visit. Previously these were showing with a Roster label.

  • When an Event has multiple schedules, the schedules are now shown in chronological order.

  • Added a total to the Autopay Payment Methods section of the customer autopay screen.

  • Reorganized the layout of the Autopay Payment Methods in the customer autopay screen to ensure that all amounts are right-justified.

  • Added alternating background colors to the Autopay Items and Autopay Payment Methods lists to help differentiate items when multiple items are in the lists.

May Community Connect Release

release date: June 6th, 2022



  • Updated the Building Entry by Kiosk report to include results for Pilot Kiosks.

Community Connect Pilot Kiosk - NEW APP!

  • Added the ability to cancel autopay for those customers who have autopay set up. This will not cancel their plan but will allow it to expire normally on the end date.

  • Starting a new register session now automatically opens the cash drawer.

  • The cash drawer now opens automatically on $0 sales if those sales include punch cards, coupons, or scholarships.

  • When updating the credit card used for autopay, the clerk is now alerted if the autopay items and payments are out of balance and shown a message stating the new amount that will be charged to the card.

  • Purchase history now restricts results to the last 365 days, rather than the last 90 days.

  • Coupons now show as expired on the day after the expiration date, rather than on the expiration date itself.

  • Closing the Events payment or refund dialogs without completing the transaction now returns you to the previous Event screen.

  • Single Event refunds that spanned multiple payments now correctly show as a single line item on receipts and in the purchase history dialog.

  • When checking in a customer with outstanding waivers, the kiosk now prompts for the outstanding waivers to be signed but does not prevent the customer from being checked in.

  • Overriding a price after having applied a scholarship no longer removes the scholarship. Instead, the scholarship amount is recalculated based on the new price.

  • When the start and end dates are set to the same date in the Program Guide or Activity Sales screens, the results now correctly show results for that one day.

  • When a customer is transferred out of a class, that class is no longer shown on the Customer Agenda screen.

  • A user is now required to have permission in order to override the maximum cash refund amount.

  • Fixed an issue where certain types of price overrides could result in out-of-balance sales.

  • Fixed an issue where changing plans resulting in a balance due could cause the GL integration to be out of balance.

  • Fixed an issue that was preventing the sale of multiple instances of the same class in the same transaction.

  • Fixed an issue where purchase history was not returning all results when using the advanced search.

  • Fixed an issue where reloading an existing gift card was sometimes incorrectly showing the screen for selling a new gift card.

  • Fixed an issue where the “Combinable” and “1 item per sale” labels on coupons were sometimes not accurate.

  • Fixed an issue with the display of the Punch Card discount that could show an incorrect amount under very rare circumstances

  • Fixed an issue with Event refunds where the amount available to refund to cash was not calculated correctly under certain circumstances.

  • Added additional logging and diagnostics data to help identify any remaining barcode scanning issues.

April Community Connect Patch Release

release date: May 6th, 2022

Community Connect Pilot Kiosk - NEW APP!

  • Fixed an issue where Events from another Kroc Center could show up in the Event list in the Sales Module under certain circumstances.

April Community Connect Release

release date: April 26th, 2022

Details of What's New

This release includes a number of changes to the new Community Connect Kiosk being piloted and also includes a couple of report changes. There are several locations in each territory piloting the new Community Connect Kiosk application! The new kiosk has all major functionality completed and we are continuing to add more features and improvements.


  • Updated the Expired Members report to include a “Home Phone” column within the report.

  • Updated the User Access report to include a filter to allow a user to filter “Active” users, “Inactive” users, or both “Active AND Inactive” users.

Community Connect Pilot Kiosk - NEW APP!

  • Kiosk Events (formerly Rentals)

    • Added the payment history tab within the Events dialog.

      • All payments (both payments and security deposit payments) on the current event are shown within this tab, with the most recent at the top, in alternating colors.

    • Updated the cart to allow users to click on an Event payment within the cart which redirects the user to the Events dialog in “Change Payment Mode”.

    • With appropriate Sales Permission, users can click on the “Make Payment” button within the Events dialog to the Make Payment Events Dialog.

    • Event Refunds has been fully implemented

  • Daily Agenda

    • Added a “Visits” filter button to filter to only Single Visits

  • Program Guide

    • Added a “Visits” filter button to filter to only Single Visits

  • Sales

    • Added a “Visits” filter button to filter to only Single Visits for Classes

  • Punch Cards

    • Fixed an issue where inactive punch cards were showing for sale in the kiosk.

  • Bug fixes

    • Fixed an issue where a payment due was not showing properly in the Kiosk for a class that has passed.

    • Fixed an issue in both the Program Guide and Sales to not allow a user to select a Start Date that is after the End Date

    • Fixed an issue where cash totals were not being calculated correctly in the Register Session when cash refunds should be included.

    • Fixed an issue where refunds were showing an incorrect transaction number.

March Community Connect Release

release date: March 29th, 2022

Details of What's New in

This release includes the following report changes.

Family Watchdog (Registered Offender Search)

  • Fixed an issue on the Family WatchDog match screen (the web page that displays the match details) to remove a white line across the bottom of the page.

February Community Connect Release

release date: February 23rd, 2022

Details of What's New in

This release includes the following report changes.

Community Connect Reports

  • Created a new report called the User Access Summary report.

    • The report returns all active users within Community Connect broken down by center and shows their last log-in date, the number of logins within a certain timeframe, and each user's permissions.


January Community Connect Release

release date: January 31st, 2022

Details of What's New in 1.2.9

This release includes the following report changes.

Community Connect Reports

  • Fixed an issue with the Building Entry Summary by Membership report to correctly filter based on the ‘Tag’ parameter.


Community Connect Release

release date: December 21st, 2021

Details of What's New in

This release includes the following report changes.

Community Connect


Community Connect Reports

  • We have created two new reports within Community Connect:

    • Monthly Customer Entry Count Report

      • The report will show all customers that have entered the facility within the specified date range. A customer is shown multiple times if they have entered multiple days during the date range but only show once per day. The date range can be changed and the results in the report will update accordingly.

    • Customer Total Purchases Report

      • The report will show the total amount a customer has spent on everything (except memberships/registration fees) during a specified time range. Day Passes are included in this.

  • Updated the Payment History Report to show drill-back links in blue.

  • Updated the Coupon Marketing Report to allow users to see items a coupon applies to specifically when more than one coupon has been used in a sale. This means that if two coupons were applied to two different items in a sale that users can use the report to see the specific item and coupon.

Community Connect Release

release date: October 26th, 2021

Details of What's New in

This release includes the following report changes.

Community Connect Reports

  • Updated the Member Profile report to correct a typo on the “Personal” report label.

  • Created a new report called the Membership Trends report.

    • The report is intended to provide visibility into how new membership acquisitions and member attrition are affecting a Kroc Center over time. By looking at the counts and revenue impacts of gaining new members and losing members, management will be able to assess and analyze potential drivers for member engagement.

    • Users can elect to view membership data over several periods of time using the date range dropdown with the following options:

      • Current Fiscal Year (CFY) –> For example 10/1/2020 – current date.

      • CFY – 1 –> Previous fiscal year, one year ago. For example 10/1/2019 – 9/30/2020.

      • CFY – 2 –> Previous fiscal year, two years ago. For example 10/1/2018 – 9/30/2019.

      • CFY – 3 –> Previous fiscal year, three years ago. For example 10/1/2017 – 9/30/2018.

      • CFY – 4 –> Previous fiscal year, four years ago. For example 10/1/2016 – 9/30/2017.

      • CFY – 5 –> Previous fiscal year, five years ago. For example 10/1/2015 – 9/30/2016.


Community Connect Release

release date: August 31st, 2021

Details of What's New in

This small patch release includes the following changes.

Community Connect - Office

  • Updated reports to remove the Print option in the report viewer. Users can still export and print reports via the export option.

  • Updated the Building Entry Summary by Membership Plan report to include a 'hide inactive plans' parameter.

    • Default is set to No. When set to “No”, the report loads without filtering out inactive membership plans.

    • When the option is set to “Yes,” the report will filter out inactive membership plans.

  • Updated the Day Pass Unique Visits Report to link the customer’s names to the Member Profile report.

    • Clicking on the customer’s name (first name or last name), the link should open the Member Profile report with the customer’s details.

Community Connect - Mobile

  • We have fixed an issue with Community Connect Mobile to increase loading performance.

    • Note: The change will not require users to update the mobile application.

Community Connect Release

release date: July 29th, 2021

Details of What's New in

This small patch release includes the following changes.

Online Sales

  • Updated the Online Sales email text so that no text is returned when there are not any special instructions included for a class sale.

    • Previously, it returned the text “There are no special instructions”.

    • The templates (and any of their formatting) were not updated. Only the text being returned was modified to either include class special instruction text or nothing at all.

CCMS Kiosk

  • Fixed an issue where class descriptions approaching 100 characters would exceed the description length when someone was transferred into or out of classes causing the data to not sync to the legacy kiosk.

    • In transfers, one of the following four prefixes is added to the description and potentially pushes the description over 100 characters.

      • “Class Transfer from”

      • “Class Transfer to”

      • “Activity Transfer from”

      • “Activity Transfer to”

    • The description field in the temp table was expanded to 125 characters to account for the transfer prefixes.

Community Connect Reports

  • Updated the Membership Sales Detailed Report to include a new parameter.

    • “Exclude Renewals” = Yes/No

      • This parameter will exclude any and all renewals (autopay, monthly, annual, day pass)

    • “Plan Type” = Day Pass and/or Memberships

      • This parameter will be a multi-select dropdown and default to select all options (day pass, memberships)

Community Connect Release

release date: June 29th, 2021

Details of What's New in

This small patch release includes the following changes.

Community Connect Office

  • Updated Personnel to require employee barcodes to be 4 digits.

  • Fixed an issue in Users so that when searching for an employee barcode to link to a new user, only the barcode that matches exactly to what the user is searching will be linked.

Community Connect Reports

  • Updated the Building Entry Summary by Membership Plan report so that it pulls zero-entry family members without any entries between the specified start and end dates.

  • Fixed the Historical Members by Plan report to accurately reflect membership numbers.

    • Keep in mind the report returns a snapshot to only account for memberships that were there at the start of the day. If a membership were to be canceled later on in the day, it will not be reflected in this report until the following day.

  • Created a new report called Activity Sales Summary by Category.

    • The columns include:

      • Class Category

      • Sub-Category

      • Total Transactions

      • Total Sales

      • Average Sales ($) per Transaction

      • Total Scholarships ($)

      • Percentage that had a Scholarship

Community Connect Release

release date: April 27th, 2021

Details of What's New in

This small patch release includes the following changes.

Community Connect Office

  • Updated the “Refunds” permission so when the user unchecks the “Refunds” permission, all child permissions are automatically unchecked as well.

  • Removed the “Refund Without Receipt” permission from Office as the new kiosks will not be using that permission.

Online Sales

  • Fixed an issue that caused Online Sales to lock up and not show any data when a class was created where the schedule(s) text exceeded 4,000 characters. This was happening when a class had many schedules.

Report Updates

  • Fixed an issue with the Activity Sales Report to correctly display scholarship amounts.

  • Updated the Customers Tag Report Status parameter to be ‘multi-select’ with the default set to Active and Current.

  • Created a new report: Membership Sales Detailed Report

    • We have created a new report that shows all of the same information as the “Online Membership Sales” report, but it also includes ALL membership sales.

    • This report will also display where the sale was completed along with date parameters.

  • Created a new report: Building Entry Marketing Report

    • This new report shows the following information:

      • Date

      • Day of the Week

      • Time

      • Customer’s Last, First name

      • Customer’s email

      • Cell/Home phone number; and

      • Membership Plan

      • The following parameters are editable:

        • Start/End Date (default: First of the month to current Date)

        • Day of the Week (default: Select All)

        • Customer Type (default: All)

        • Do not Contact (default: Exclude)

        • Duplicate Entries (default: Exclude)

  • Created a new report: Historical Members by Plan Report

    • This new report shows the following information:

      • Membership Plan

      • Billing Customers

      • Non-Billing Customers

      • Total of Customers

  • New Report: Customer Birthdays Report

    • This new report shows the following information:

      • Customer’s First/Last Name

      • Birth Month

      • Birth Day

      • Birth Year

      • Customer’s Email

      • Customer’s Address/City/State/Zip

      • Customer’s Cell Phone Number

Community Connect Release

release date: March 30th, 2021

Details of What's New in

This small patch release includes the following changes.

Community Connect Mobile

  • Updated the Mobile Customer screen to show Recent Transactions.

    • It will show all recent purchases for the past month with the most recent purchase shown at the top and the rest of the purchases shown in descending order.

    • Each sale item is a different item in the list and all items from that sale are grouped together

    • The Date, Session, Transaction Numbers, Refund Label (if applicable), Sale Amount, Sale Time, Quantity (if applicable), and sale description will be displayed.


Online Sales

  • Fixed Online Sales so that classes will show the “Available Now” label OR show as unavailable (greyed out) depending on the registration date.

    • Classes can be added to the cart when they are showing “Available Now” but cannot be added to the cart when they are unavailable. Once the roster class is available for sale, the single visits can also be sold.

Report Updates

  • Updated the Building Entry Summary report to show each day’s total; alongside a grand total at the bottom of the report.

  • Updated the Activity Sales report with new features:

    • New column “Scholarships”.

    • New report parameter “Type” (which is activity type: Roster, Drop-In, or All).

    • New column “Type”.

    • New Parameter “KioskId”.

    • New Column “Kiosk ID”.

  • Updated the Concession Sales by Item Report to show additional columns for Tax and Total Sale.

    • The hyperlink to the sale receipt is now in the Total Sale column.

  • Updated the Daily Sales by Payment Type Report to show Drop-In and Single Visit Classes time and date of the class that was purchased.

  • Fixed the Health Information Roster report so that classes with activities created outside of a schedule will be shown in the results.

  • Fixed an issue with the Annual Membership Expiration report to properly show 2021 as an option in the drop-down menu.

  • Fixed an issue with the Attendance Checksheet report to properly show both Roster and Drop-In classes.

  • Fixed an alignment issue with the PO numbers for receipts in the Daily Sales by Kiosk report.

Community Connect Release

release date: February 24th, 2021

Details of What's New in

This small patch release includes the following changes.

Online Sales

  • Fixed an issue where classes with the capacity set to 0 were not allowing customers to register because it was showing as full.

    • These classes will now show as available (capacity = unlimited) and customers will be able to complete their registration.

Community Connect Release

release date: February 8th, 2021

Details of What's New in

This small patch release includes the following changes.

Online Sales

  • Fixed an issue where roster classes that also allowed single visits would only show in Online Sales one month before the activity date.

    • These classes will now show up to six months in advance just like drop-in classes.

Community Connect Release 1.2.8

release date: January 26th, 2021

Details of What's New in 1.2.8

This small patch release includes the following changes.

Community Connect Office

  • Updated the Personnel module to refresh the user name field when the last name and/or first name change.

    • The search results will now show the account type instead of the username.

  • Updated the Personnel module to increase the user names and passwords to be up to 10 characters.

Community Connect Mobile

  • Fixed an issue so customer barcodes in Mobile can be scanned at the kiosk.

Online Sales

  • Update the class list in Online Sales to be sorted by date and then time.

  • When a class capacity is full, the activities will now be grayed out and the checkboxes cannot be selected. The cart will now be disabled and a message will let the user know that the class is full and cannot be purchased. When a class capacity is not met, the activities can be selected (as long as they are within the correct amount of time to be purchased) and the user can add them to the cart.


  • Fixed an issue where propagate windows (option to apply a change to multiple activities) no longer will appear when adding a customer to a roster.

Report Updates

  • Fixed an issue with the Venue Usage Report to ensure it works properly. Users can make changes to the date range and venue options and load the report without any issues. Open Use Venues do not appear in the list

  • Fixed an issue with the Concession Item Report:

    • The concession drop down is now multiple select.

    • Only items with actual sales during the selected date ranges are shown.

    • When there are multiple items shown in the list, there will be a “Select All” option.

      • When checked, all items will be selected.

      • When unchecked, no items will be selected.

      • When “Select All” is clicked and the user unchecks one item, the system will automatically unselect that one item, and the “Select All” box will be unchecked. All other items will remain selected.

  • Fixed an issue with the Customer Communication Statistics report which was populated with an error message.

Community Connect Release 1.2.7

release date: November 19th, 2020

Details of What's New in 1.2.7

This small patch release includes the following changes.

Online Sales

  • Updated the class search results screen to break up classes into two sections, “Today's Activities“ and “Future Activities“.

    • Today's Activities Heading

      • Will show any Drop In or Single Visit activity that occurs “today” sorted in chronological order.

      • An “Available Now” label will be displayed when the activity can be purchased.

      • Classes will be shown in grey if they are not yet available for purchase.

    • Future Activities Heading

      • Will show all roster and future drop in classes sorted alphabetically.

      • An “Available Now” label will be displayed when the activity can be purchased.

      • Classes will be shown in grey if are not yet available for purchase.

  • Fixed an issue where not all classes were being returned in the results.

  • Fixed an issue where the class sales screen did not consistently show results.


Community Connect Release 1.2.6

release date: November 2nd, 2020

Details of What's New in 1.2.6

This small patch release focuses on improving Online Sales search results and bug fixes.

Community Connect Mobile

  • Updated the Mobile App to reduce blank space between widgets in Community Connect Mobile Dashboard screen.

  • Updated the number format used in dashboard widgets to include a comma for numbers in the thousands.

    • Before: 10000

    • Now: 10,000

  • Updated Community Connect Mobile Class Search to include classes in the results even if the registration date has passed.

    • Previously, the quick search or advanced search was not showing classes when the registration end date had passed even though the class was still ongoing.

Community Connect Office

  • Updated the number format used in dashboard widgets to include a comma for numbers in the thousands.

    • Before: 10000

    • Now: 10,000

Online Sales

  • Updated the text shown to users when there are no other classes available for purchase.

    • Before: “There are currently no classes available for purchase.”

    • Now: “There are currently no other classes available for purchase.”

  • Updated all checkboxes in Online Sales so they can be easily clicked by users on a mobile device.

  • Updated the “feedback” form at the bottom of the site.

    • The feedback form has completely changed. Previously, the user had text boxes to fill out, and then it would send the feedback to the center making the ‘from’ email field the user’s email address. Since this is a form of spoofing, it has been completely removed the feedback form.

    • The “Have Questions” section at the bottom of Online Sales has changed so the user just needs to click the phone number to dial the number. Additionally, to send an email, there is a single button that opens the user’s email and fills in the “Send To” address for them. The customer will be sending feedback from their own email instead of Online Sales sending emails from the given address on its own.

  • Updated the class search results so they are grouped by class instance.

    • If the class instance type is a Drop In or allows a Single Visit, then the system will show which individual activities are available for purchase (up to eight) with the option to see all upcoming instances.

    • If it is a Roster Class type then the system will display the class schedule.

    • If one instance has multiple activities available for purchase the user can drill into each one.


  • Fixed an issue encountered when generating a temporary password for a customer’s online account. Previously, it was failing when the customer’s last name was less than 3 characters long.


Community Connect Release 1.2.5

release date: September 30th, 2020

Details of What's New in 1.2.5

This small patch release focuses on improving Online Sales to help prevent classes from being oversold so as to not exceed the available capacity.

Online Sales

  • Updated Online Sales to prevent a single user from exceeding the class capacity. Online Sales users will no longer be able to add participants to a class purchase if the count exceeds the class availability.

  • Updated Online Sales to check class availability before a customer finishes their purchase to ensure there is adequate space for the customer in the class they are attempting to purchase. Users will now be informed that the class is no longer available and prompt to choose a different date.



Community Connect Release 1.2.4

release date: August 27th, 2020

Details of What's New in 1.2.4

This small patch release includes the following changes.

Online Sales

  • Updated the text at the bottom of the “My Account: Payment Info” page to notate that existing Auto Pay payment methods cannot be removed.

  • Updated the guest search screen button text to state “Or Create a New Account” (previously the button displayed “Create Web ID”).

  • Updated the text displayed at the top of the page when a user is creating a new account to state “Create New Account” (previously the top of the screen displayed “Create Web ID”).

  • Fixed a bug on the Online Sales location selection page which made the user select a location in the drop-down menu twice before loading.


  • Fixed a bug in the Kiosk to require non-whitespace characters in the first and last name before saving.

Report Updates

  • Updated the ROS Report to make CCMS Photos larger and easier to view.

  • Updated the Cancellation/Suspension Report report columns Category, Package, and Exp. Date to populate with data regardless if a customer’s status is “Suspended”.


Community Connect Release

release date: July 31st, 2020

Details of What's New in

This small patch release includes the following changes.

  • Customers that are suspended will no longer be included when the before or after membership expiration emails are sent out. This is important due to all of the COVID-19 membership maintenance and suspensions. 


Community Connect Release 1.2.3

release date: July 28th, 2020

Details of What's New in 1.2.3

The release includes the following improvements.

Online Sales

  • When a class has multiple venues, online sales will now show the venue at the activity level. This way, when customers are trying to purchase an activity, they will understand where it is taking place. The “location” above the class description will also list the venues where the activity will take place.

    • If an activity has multiple venues, there will be a “Multiple” listed as the location.

  • Checkout Page

    • Changed the “I agree to the terms…” text box background color to gray.

    • Changed the disabled “Place Your Order” button to be gray.

    • When the user tries to click on the “Place Your Order” without having clicked on the “I agree to the terms…” checkbox, a popup will appear above the “Place Your Order” button informing the user to click the “I agree to the terms…” checkbox.

  • Fixed a bug for when a customer creates an account online and purchases multiple classes; the customer will only have one yellow notification to their customer record.

Community Connect Office

  • When searching for a report, the user can now click on “X” next to the text box that will allow the user to quickly clear their search text.

  • When searching for a User, the user can now click on “X” next to the text box that will allow the user to quickly clear their search text.

  • When a user is in the Community Connect Knowledge Base, the user can click an “X” next to the text box that will allow the user to quickly clear their search text.

Report Updates

  • Updated the Activity Sales report so users will now be able to select a specific class activity by date/time and filter the results accordingly.

  • Updated the Cancellations and Suspensions report to ONLY show the most recent and current memberships instead of all.

  • Updated the Cancellation Summary report:

    • The report has been renamed to be “Cancellation and Suspension Summary” report.

    • The report now shows suspensions in addition to cancellations.

    • A member column has been added and the count columns have a more descriptive title (Member Count and Plan Count).

  • Updated the ROS report:

    • Changed the headers in the report to say “ROS”.

    • When the link is clicked, the mismatch will NOT be automatically selected (the user can click “Not a Match” to save mismatch without an issue).

    • When printing, the page will show results on a single page (previously a single result could run off onto multiple pages).


Community Connect Release 1.2.2

release date: June 30th, 2020

Details of What's New in 1.2.2

The release includes the following improvements.

Auto Pay Failure Email

  • We have updated the queuing process to check the most recent attempt status on Auto Pays and base the email on that status. We pull any failure record over the last 10 days that has not been sent out yet (the system would previously queue the first attempt and send an email even though the subsequent transactions were successful). 

Community Connect Office

  • Updated permissions In Community Connect Office in preparation of Community Connect Kiosk. The Add/Edit Customer permission is now linked to Kiosk Sales.

  • Updated the global settings in Community Connect Office to be displayed in alphabetical order.

  • Updated widget results to sort centers alphabetically.

Community Connect Mobile

  • Updated the Class Details Activities list so it is now being sorted by date and time.

  • Updated widget results to sort centers alphabetically.

Issues addressed in 1.2.2

Online Sales

  • Fixed an issue where the system was not generating an automatic yellow notification for verification of a NEW customer's ID when the customer purchased a class online.

  • Fixed an issue where customers with memberships were able to purchase a class ahead of when registrations were opened (for example, a class registration opened 24 hours prior to class start time, the system would double that and let the customer purchase it 48 hours prior to class start time).

  • Fixed an issue when a customer was purchasing the last spot for a class, that a "No More Openings" label was improperly displaying.

  • Added the days of the week to class listings for Online Sales.

  • Fixed an issue when selecting a specific Kroc Center in the drop-down menu, the screen would refresh and not select the Center that was selected.


  • Fixed a bug in RMS when someone is manually added to a roster via RMS, it will no longer apply a member discount for members that are expired.

Community Connect Knowledge Base

  • Fixed an issue in the Knowledge Base where searches were being saved even if the user leaves the page.

  • Fixed an issue in the Knowledge Base where when the user performs a search and clicks on a link, the user would be redirected back to their search results rather than the link they clicked on.

Report Updates

  • Added a new column in the Customer Tags Report to include customer's cell phone numbers.

  • Added a report filter for "Tags" in the Exception Report - Auto Pay Issues Report.

  • Updated the ROS Report to redirect users to the new ROS website to verify the customer and search results are not a match.

    • NOTE: Going forward the default is to NOT send emails for the full scans anymore since the ROS Report is available.

  • Fixed an issue in the Program Marketing Report when two or more class definitions with apostrophes are selected, the results are inaccurate because the apostrophe is a special character in the database and the query can't parse the parameter correctly.

  • Fixed an issue in the Auto Pay Payment History Report where taxes were being applied twice in the "Total Payments" column.

Community Connect Release 1.2.1

release date: May 26th, 2020

Details of What's New in 1.2.1

The release includes the following items.

  • Created a new “Customer Auto-pay Unsuspended” Communication Type:

    • This new Communication Type is primarily for future use but is being manually triggered for some centers as part of their COVID re-opening procedure. Any requests to try to make use of this in your center should be directed to Devnext through your Support Specialist.

    • When fully implemented in a future release, suspended customers will receive an automated email notifying them about two-weeks before their auto pay is set to resume. Currently, there is not enough data to automatically trigger these emails, so for now they will be triggered manually for centers upon request as they plan to reopen.

    • NOTES: 

      • This new communication type will be set to OFF by default for all centers. If interested in a manual run, please contact your Support Specialist.

      • If a center opts to do a manual run as part of its reopening strategy, a template will need to be created in Sendgrid, and the template ID provided to Devnext.

  • Released a new version of the iOS Mobile application packaged with an updated Apple certificate in order to address download and installation issues on some devices. No functional changes were made to the application.

Issues addressed in 1.2.1

  • Fixed verification token emails (when email addresses are changed in Online Sales) so they will now only go to the new email address (previously it was going to the old and new email addresses).

  • For Drop-In classes, purchases are no longer being restricted by the class instance start date, instead, they are based only on the activity date and the number of hours in advance of that activity date that is allowed.

  • Fixed an issue in Online Sales where the classes with a large number of schedules (~50) associated with each class would cause the search process to fail.

    • We have expanded the schedule field to allow for a larger number of schedules.

Report Updates

  • Updated the Member List Report to include a Cell Phone column.

  • Updated the Program Marketing Report to include the Primary Emergency/Guardian email.

  • Updated the Pending Auto Pay Transaction Report to include results for the previous three months.

Community Connect Release

release date: May 7th, 2020

Details of What's New in

The release includes changes to RMS class settings allowing users to add special instructions.

  • Updated RMS classes module to include a new “special instructions” section.

    • The new field was added to the class instance and class activity screens and allows users to add details for a class that will be sent via email to a customer after it has been purchased online. The intent is to leverage this feature to send details about joining a virtual class once the customer has been signed up.

    • Users can choose to propagate the special instructions text from the class instance to the class activity level.


  • Updated the Sales Receipt SendGrid email parameters to include the new “special instructions” information.

    • When a class that includes special instructions has been purchased online, the special instructions text is now passed to the SalesReceipt template and can be included in the receipt email sent to the customer. This will help communicate information to participants in an easy, efficient manner.

    • To include this text in your email templates, use the %SpecialInstructions% parameter.

Issues addressed in

  • Fixed a kiosk issue where refunds were not always refunded to the customer’s credit card.

    • In the case of an unsuccessful credit card refund, a check request should print instead, but under certain circumstances, this step was missed leaving the clerk with the impression that the refund was applied to the credit card when it was not. This is an issue where kiosks were losing their connection to the MX terminals due to a reboot issue on the MX device, where the device would go into a continuous reboot loop that could last for an hour or more. This issue has since been addressed by Elavon but revealed a scenario where the kiosk was not reacting appropriately

Report Updates

  • Updated the Cancellations and Suspensions report to include customer tags.

Community Connect Release 1.2

release date: March 30th, 2020

Details of What's New in 1.2

The release includes a brand new registered offender screening (ROS) match service!

  • Created a brand new integration with the popular Family Watchdog Sex Offender Registry to replace the obsolete Predator Barrier integration.

  • Created service to run on the first of every month to check all qualifying customers for potential matches.

  • Created service to run the search process every five minutes for each new customer record.

  • Send an email to notify staff when a potential match is found.

  • Updated the notification email to use a new SendGrid email template.

  • Create a web front-end for users to review the potential match and flag as a mismatch as necessary.

This release is helping to lay the groundwork for the brand new Kiosk! It is introducing background changes to help prepare Community Connect to support the new Kiosk functionality.

  • Added a number of API’s which will be responsible for delivering data to the new kiosk when it is deployed.

  • Updated the Office User Security screen to include additional permissions for the customer module.

Issues addressed in 1.2

  • Fixed an Online Sales issue where sales tax wasn’t being refunded for memberships purchased online.

  • Fixed an issue impacting deferred revenue where auto-pay renewals were not handled correctly when renewed via a kiosk or in online sales as opposed to the auto-pay service. The start date used when setting up the deferred revenue entry was the end date of the membership plan prior to renewal when it should have been the following day because the membership plan dates are inclusive. Membership plan dates were not affected.

  • Fixed an Online Sales issue to ensure it correctly applies the drop in class “available for sale” date based on the value in specified in RMS for that class.

  • Updated CommConn API so users always see consistent information across all apps regarding the expiration status of credit card and scholarship payment methods. This helps ensure all applications are displaying the same information.

  • Updated Mobile to display all customer payment methods in the Transactions tab, including all expired items.

  • Ran a script to permanently remove old unusable payment options that were previously just hidden in RMS. (This did not include cardholder account data. Community Connect NEVER directly stores credit card numbers!)

  • Fixed a Mobile issue where users couldn’t open class details even though they have access and could see the Class module.

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