How to add a new pay period in OMS

How to add a new pay period in OMS

At the end of each year users will want to create a new pay period for the coming year. The reason this is important is that OMS will use the pay period when displaying allowance amounts onscreen and also be the rates used in reports. Until the OMS users create a new pay period, the allowances will continue to show the same values for the current year. Once a pay period has been created, users can elect to use it when running reports. However, it will not be the default pay period for reporting and allowance amounts onscreen until it has been made the "Current Period". 

Step-by-step guide

  1. Open Settings>Weekly Allowances

  2. Locate the field "View Pay Period" field.

  3. Click the year to see a list of available pay periods.

  4. Select the option "New Period".

  5. Choose to either create from scratch or copy a previous pay period.

  6. Add or edit the allowance amounts for the new year's pay period.

  7. When adding or updated an allowance increment amount enter the "basic allowance" amount and click "OK". The “Retired Married” rate will automatically be calculated as the basic allowance amount is entered.

  8. Finish adding/updating the amount for each increment year. 

  9. Click "Save".

  10. Great job adding a new pay period!


Make sure to set the retirement allowance options for the new pay period! That can be done from the Settings → Retirement Options screen.

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