New Person

To create a new record, start by clicking “New Person” in the Navigation panel.

A dialog will open, where you can enter the person details. The Person Type, Start Date, First Name, Last Name, Gender, Birthdate, Birth Country, Ethnicity, and Home Territory are all required. If any of these are not completed, a red error message will show.

Once all required fields, as well as any additional fields, are completed, click “Next” to move on to the next step.

Some Person Types will not require any additional information. Instead of “Next” you’ll just see “Save” and you’re done!

Accepted Candidate, Civilian, Envoy, Probationary Lieutenant, Relative, Salvationist are the Person Types that will not require additional information. For all others, continue to the next step!

The only required information needed is the Commission Date, but you can enter any other information you have.

Notice there is a “Previous” button if you want to go back to the last page!

Once you click “Save” you should be able to view your new person record!