Territory Organization

Territory Organization

Click the “Organization” option in the navigation panel to view or edit position organization.

From this module, you can see the Commands on the left by default, but can expand them to view other organization levels, such as Group, Location, Ministry, and Position.

By selecting an item from the list, you’ll be able to see a red “x” button to delete it.

Don’t worry! There’s a confirmation message just in case you click this by accident!

Click something from the list to view its details to the right!

It is easy to see and edit basic information about the selected list item, including how many Officers are actively assigned to that position.

Using the “Active” checkbox, you can make the selected item active or inactive.


If needed, you can still see these in the list later using the “Show Inactive” checkbox at the bottom of the page!

The contact information associated with the position can be viewed or edited by clicking the “Contact Info” button.

If you click on the red “Active Person” text, you can see who is has been assigned to the position!

Anyone with a past start date and no end date is considered active

What is displayed when viewing a position can be customized by clicking the “Add/Remove” button. Here, you can choose fields you’d like to store additional data for.

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