Date Calculator

Date Calculator

To quickly determine a difference between dates, you can click on the “Date Calculator” in the navigation panel.

This opens as a dialog, so you can use it quickly without leaving the page you are currently working in!

You can calculate the number of days between two dates using the “Date Difference” option at the top of the dialog.

You can also calculate the difference between two ranges of time. (You can enter a negative number here)

For example, if an officer was active for 5 years, 8 months, and 21 days, but had a break in service in the middle of that for 1 year, 4 months, and 16 days, you could use this to calculate the total amount of time that officer was assigned to a position.

Finally, you can calculate a total amount of time by entering 2 difference ranges. (You can enter a negative number here)

Maybe you want to see the total amount of time served between a married couple. You could enter the time served by the husband as one range and the time served by the wife as the other range to get the total time served by both of them together.

Regardless of the type of calculation you are performing, your result will show at the bottom.

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