Retired Territory of Residence Report

Retired Territory of Residence Report

When users run the Retired Territory of Residence report they will have several options that will have a big impact on the results.

When users launch the report it will automatically return results with the "residing status" set to "Residing Here from Another Territory". It will display results divided by division. You can also choose to return only retired officers "From Here Residing in Another Territory" or "Both" for a complete listing. If there are any errors with the information on officer's residing in your territory you will have to contact their home territory so they can get it corrected.

Step-by-step guide

The "Residing Status" option will have the following results based on the selection:

  • "Residing Here from Another Territory" will display results where other OMS territories have set their retired officers as living in your (user's) territory

    • These will be grouped by division (also set by the home territory)

  • "From Here Residing in Another Territory" will return your (user's) hom territory retired officers flagged as living in another territory

    • These will be under a section called "Residing Out-of-Territory"

  • The "Both" option will return results from both of the options above

The contact information for retired officers from other territories is maintained by the home territory. If corrections need to be made please contact the home territory.

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