What is included in the Activity Details Header?

What is included in the Activity Details Header?

The Activity details header give users a quick glance at common activity details.

The class name is shown in bold at the top, so users can easily see what class they are looking at.

The Activity date and time will show below the name. If the activity was selected from the daily agenda, only the selected activity date and time will show here.

If the activity is a roster, and was selected from the program guide or sales module, it will show the full roster schedule.

In the upper left corner, there is an activity icon, just to let the user know they are looking at an activity.

When a class is currently in session, a green dot is visible.

All activities will be labeled as Roster, Visit, or Drop-In. This label will show below the activity icon.

Note: If an activity is offered as Roster and Single Visit, both the Roster and Visit labels will be shown.

On the right side, users can quickly see the availability for the selected activity.

Note: This will show all statuses, including: Unlimited, “X” spots, waitlist, closed, on sale soon, etc.


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