Search for a Kiosk Customer Record

Users have a variety of methods to search for existing customer records to see if a record exists and review customer information. A customer does NOT have to have an active membership to be returned in a search. The customer search will look at ALL customer records for the facility. In addition, when a record is selected the search results will conveniently be stored to allow the user to go back and quickly switch between records.

Step-by-Step Guide

By default, when the customer module loads it will display customer records that the user has recently viewed. The kiosk will also show a list of customers that have recently entered the facility. The intent with both of these lists is to allow users to select a customer and quickly access the record.

If a new search is needed there are two ways to search customer records; Quick Search and Advanced Search.

Quick Search

  1. The quick search is used by typing text in the search box and hit "Search" (magnify glass). It checks the entered text against applicable fields on ALL customer records and will return any possible matches. Users can search things like first name, last name, or barcode.

  2. When the entered text matches more than one field users will see multiple results.

After listing exact matches there will be other relevant results that may help users find what they need.

Advanced Search

  1. Perform more exact searches by expanding the advanced search dialog.

  2. The advanced search allows users to enter values for specific fields.

  3. Click search and the customer record fields matching will be listed.

When users perform an advanced search the query used will be displayed. Users can manually modify these or open the advanced search to adjust the parameters.