Mobile Quick Reference Style Guide

Mobile Quick Reference Style Guide

The Community Connect Mobile application leverages a number of visual queues to help users quickly gain information throughout the application. The quick reference style guide below highlights the common icons and other visual indicators to keep an eye on. 

Recent Entries

Red background means the customer has a Red Notification. 

Yellow background means the customer has a Yellow Notification. 


The following visual queues apply to customers and some can be found throughout the application:

Customer - Heading

Blue circle around a customer picture means they have a current membership plan.

Customer - Heading

Green dot at top of the customer picture means they have entered the facility today (the marker will remain there the rest of the day).

Customer - Heading

The age is displayed for any customer that is a minor.

Customer - Heading

Button to open customer barcode and picture.

Customer - Heading

"Primary" label in customer heading means the customer is the billing customer.

Customer - Agenda

Activities above the green line have already occurred and those below the green line are upcoming activities.

Customer - Agenda

Activities with a green dot indicate the activity is currently in-progress.

Customer - Agenda

"Balance Due" label is displayed on activities where the customer has an outstanding balance.

Customer - Agenda

"Starting Soon" label is displayed on activities starting within the next 60 minutes.

Customer - Contacts

"Primary" label identifies the primary emergency contact.

Customer - Contacts

"Secondary" label identifies a secondary emergency contact.

Customer - Contacts

"Approved" label identifies contacts that are authorized for pickup.

Customer - Contacts

"Guardian" label flags contacts that a legal guardian of a minor.

Customer - Plan

"Current" label on the plan tab means the customer membership is current.

Customer - Plan

"AutoPay" label on the plan tab means the customer membership is on AutoPay.

Customer - Plan

"AutoPay Suspended" label on the plan tab means the customer's AutoPay is suspended.

Customer - Health

Health icon status options.


The following visual queues apply to classes and can be found in other areas of the application:

Class - List

Green dot on a class icon indicates the class is currently in-progress.

Class - List

The date box turns red when the class instance is cancelled.

Class - List

"Starting Soon" label is displayed when a class starts within 60 minutes.

Class - Details

The clock icon next to a class price means the class is prorated.

Class - Details

"In Session" label displayed when the class is currently in-progress.

  • Activity Label Definitions for Reference:
    • Cancelled = Activity.IsCancelled = True
    • In Session = Start Date and Time <= Now and End Date and Time >= Now
    • Next = Start Date and Time > Now and Start Date and Time <= Now + 30 minutes
    • Today = Start Date = Today
Class - Details

The activities tab has a button to check-in customers.

Class - Details

The "Me" label is displayed next to classes where you are set as the instructor.