Edit a Mobile Dashboard Widget

Edit a Mobile Dashboard Widget

The dashboard in Community Connect Mobile provides users with a number of options to customize any added widgets. The dashboard is the default screen in mobile and provides users with immediate data based on the data widgets the user has added. It is very easy to add widgets to the dashboard, edit the details of each widget, and move them around so that the information is as helpful as possible.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. To EDIT a widget select the three vertical icon in the top corner of the widget you need to edit.

  2. The widget menu will open, select "Edit".

  3. The widget will change to show the available options (these will vary depending on the type of widget that was selected).

  4. Make the desired changes to the widget.

    • Change the title of the widget.

    • Change the chart type by selecting one of the many styles.

    • Set the desired widget parameters.

    • Depending on the size of the mobile device (most tablets) users will also have the option to change the size of the widget on the dashboard using the width options at the bottom.

  5. When finished making changes select the "Done" button and the widget will be reloaded on the dashboard with the new settings.

Remember, you can add multiple widgets to ensure important information is immediately delivered to you.

  • Several other options are available from the widget menu.

    • "Duplicate" the widget to the dashboard - when selected this will create an exact copy of the selected widget (then users can edit it to make it unique).

    • "Delete" the widget from the dashboard.

    • "Move to Top" will place the selected widget to be the first one listed at the top.

    • Close settings without applying changes and return to the dashboard by touching outside of the menu.