Reset My Community Connect Password
If a user needs to reset their password for any reason they can simply follow the steps below.
Note, users can update their password from either the Office or Mobile Community Connect applications. Changing or resetting a user's password will change it everywhere for their Community Connect user. Once set, users will use the same login information for ALL CommConn applications (Office, Mobile, etc).
- Open the Community Connect Office application.
Click on the "Reset Password" link.
Enter your user email address.
- Click "Send Reset Link".
If the email matches an existing user then they will be sent a reset link.
If the entered email does not match any existing users then no reset email will be sent.
- Open the reset email that is sent.
Click the "Reset My Password" button.
The reset link will expire after 30 minutes.
Type a new password and click "Enter".
Your password has been reset!
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