Change My Community Connect Password - Mobile

Change My Community Connect Password - Mobile

In addition to resetting a password at login, users have the option to change their password after they log into the Mobile application. This security feature provides users with a way to intentionally update their password. 

Note, users can update their password from either the Office or Mobile Community Connect applications. Changing or resetting a user's password will change it everywhere for their Community Connect user. Once set, users will use the same login information for ALL CommConn applications (Office, Mobile, etc).

  1. Log into the Community Connect Mobile application.
  2. Click on the ellipsis icon and choose "Settings".

  3. Select the button "Change".

  4. Enter your current password.

    The password entered in "Current Password" must exactly match the existing password including the case.

  5. Enter a new password and confirm the new password.

  6. After clicking "Save" the change confirmation will be displayed.

After changing a password users will NOT have to log out. Continue using the app and simply use your new password the next time you login!