Symphony 2020.6.2 Release Notes

Symphony 2020.6.2 Release Notes

Released → June 23, 2020

What’s new in 2020.6.2

IHQ → Performance Improvements

We worked with IHQ to make updates to how sites and modules are cached.


IHQ → Deeper URL Folder Structure

This one was also mostly IHQ, but we helped debug and fix some issues we found on the Symphony side of things. You should now be able to give sites URLs that go 5 levels deep, ex: westernusa.salvationarmy.org/segment1/segment2/segment3/segment4/segment5


You can still close the editor by clicking Cancel or hitting the Escape key, but hopefully this helps prevent accidental closures.


USW Kroc Changes

Inside a free text area, click the plus sign and then click the magnifying glass button:

You’ll be able to set the prompt for the search bar. It defaults to “What Interests You?”

Changing to “Search” for our example

This is how it looks in admin:

This is how it looks on the site:



Also added a blue plus sign to show which modules can be added multiple times


This feature can be toggled on/off in Conductor > Settings > Local Site Settings > Allow Local Admins to Select More Colors for their Theater Space Button(s)


When a local admin creates a new page, they’ll be given the option to “start with some default content”, which pulls from your seed content. The available options are filtered by page type, so they’ll see Seed Content Landing Pages when creating a Landing page, Ministry Pages when creating a Ministry Page, etc.