Symphony 2020.5.1.1 Release Notes

Symphony 2020.5.1.1 Release Notes

Released → May 12, 2020

This is a patch to fix bugs that went out with the release yesterday. There are a couple of obvious lessons learned that we’re talking about internally, and we want to make sure we communicate those to you all as well.

Lessons Learned

Regression Testing

Most of the bugs were not directly related to the new features we added, which means we need to do a better job of going back and reviewing things that should always be working like making sure different page types can be viewed, created, updated, and saved on different types of sites.

Automated Testing

Two of the biggest hurdles to manual regression testing are the amount of time it takes and the fact that sometimes we miss things. So in addition to manual regression testing we’ll be adding some automated tests where we’re able. The goal is that more and more of the testing for existing functionality will be automated so we’re aware the moment it breaks in development and can fix it before the code leaves our machines.

What’s new in 2020.5.1.1

Updated Font Awesome to the latest version (5.13)

In addition to the bugs squashed below, we also squeezed in an update to Font Awesome, which gives you the latest icons listed here: https://fontawesome.com/icons?d=gallery&m=free

They added some new icons recently (like washing hands) that will be good to use for COVID-19 related content: https://fontawesome.com/icons/hands-wash?style=solid

Bugs Squashed in 2020.5.1.1

National Site pages couldn’t be updated