Symphony 2020.3.1 Release Notes

Symphony 2020.3.1 Release Notes

Released → March 10, 2020

What’s new in 2020.3.1

National / TRG Changes

NS-54 SAWSO Data Layer Update

USW Kroc Changes

SK-126 New Facility Hours of Operation Module

This is a new module used to display the Hours of Operation for different facilities or areas of the Kroc center, ie: Basketball Courts, Aquatics Center, Pool, etc.

Admin Controls

Additional Notes

  • You can add up to 3 hours per day by clicking the green ( + ) sign

  • If you turn a day off, it’ll clear your selection and disable the form fields

  • There’s a free text area at the bottom of the page that’ll let you add some custom text

    • This can be used to show a calendar or link out to other pages

This is a new module that adds the ability to create collapsible accordion content on the site.

Admin Controls

  1. Color - select the background color for the accordion group


    1. The Color Picker is disabled by default (non-kroc symphony sites will have a red accordion). To enable color selection, turn it on in your Conductor Settings:


  2. FAQ - this toggles on/off the Google Rich Search Results for FAQ pages. More info here: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/data-types/faqpage

    1. You can only have 1 FAQ Accordion module per page. A warning should pop up if you try to turn the toggle on for more than 1 Accordion module on the page

  3. Visible - controls whether or not the module can be seen on the website

  4. New Section - Add new Accordion Section

  5. Star - select which section is expanded when it’s loaded

    1. Only one section can load expanded

  6. Active - controls whether or not the accordion section is visible on the website. Inactive sections are automatically moved to the bottom of the list.

  7. Edit - edit the section

  8. Delete - delete the section

  9. Move - move the section. Can’t move inactive sections


When using the Kroc theme, you can select the Kroc Center in the local site settings. This lays the groundwork for connecting to the Community Connect integrations for Membership Modules, Search, etc.

Issues Addressed in 2020.3.1

Fixed issue where “What We Do” in the menu and “How We Help” in the Giving Toolbar wasn’t scrolling to the ministry grid like it’s supposed to.

Fixed issue with “The Salvation Army” being repeated in the site title in the footer.

  • Made meta descriptions more unique

  • Minified local JS files

  • Changed jQuery reference to compressed version