Diagnosing Customer Merge Errors

Diagnosing Customer Merge Errors

When performing a customer merge, data from two customers is combined into a single customer record.  This process involves selecting the customer you plan to keep (target customer) and then merging data from another record (source customer) into the target.  Once the merge has been completed, the source customer is removed, leaving only the target.

In this process, there are several things that could cause merge failures due to specific data in the customer records being merged.


Customer merge fails with an error messages containing the following text:

An error occurred while trying to merge the selected customer data into the current customer.  Please try again.

Error details contain the following information:

CustomerMerge failed for SourceCustomerId (SourceCustomerId), TargetCustomerId (TargetCustomerId): String or binary data would be truncated.


This error is caused because certain data fields contain data that when combined is too long to fit into a single record. This must be corrected manually before the merge can be completed.

Check the following fields in the source and target customer, and shorten values before completing the merge.
  1. In the Customer General Info screen:
    1. Kiosk Comments (1000 characters)
  2. In the Customer Contacts screen:
    1. Contact Comments (256 characters)
    2. Special Pickup Instructions (500 characters)
  3. In the Customer Health Info screen:
    1. Addition information box under the "Check all that apply" section (500 characters)
    2. Name and Purpose of any Medications (500 characters)
    3. Health History Comments (500 characters)
    4. Dietary Restrictions (500 characters)
    5. Activity Restrictions (500 characters)