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Add How to Check Out page and link at the end of this one.

The Membership tab is the first tab on the left side of the sales module. It loads by default when the sales module is opened, but if a user is navigating through the module, they can click the first tab to get back to memberships.

Note: all memberships will show what terms are offered to the right of the membership in the list. The term will be selected later in the sales process, but can still be seen here.

All memberships are shown by default, but users can use the quick search at the top to narrow down the results.

There are a few different filters that can be used instead of, or in combination with, the quick search.

Users could use the “Multi-Member” and “Individual” filters to limit which type of plan they would like.

When both are light gray, neither is being applied and all membership types will be shown. The color changes to a dark gray when selected.

The category filter allows the user to select a specific category of memberships. When the filter is clicked, users will see a dialog where they can select the category they would like to see membership results for. Once a new category is chosen, “Select” can be clicked to return to the membership list with the filter applied.

The category that is currently being shown in the membership list (All Categories for this example) will be a gray-blue color in this dialog, while the newly selected category (Family: Up to 5 people) will be a darker gray color.

The currently selected category is displayed in the filter button on the right side. “All Categories” will be shown by default, but once a change has been made, the newly selected category will show.

Once any desired filters or searches are applied, the user can select a membership from the list to see the membership dialog.

In this dialog, users can select the term they would like to see the membership for, set a start date for the membership, chose the plan member(s), change the quantity, or if they have the correct permissions, override the registration fee or membership amount.

Start dates or members cannot be edited until a membership term is selected, and the “Add to Cart” button is not enabled until a member is specified.

When choosing members, a primary member needs to be selected first, then only the multi member plans will show a “+” for additional family members.

The billing customer will be assigned to the customer that was selected when “Select Primary Customer” button was clicked, so users should make sure they are selecting the correct Primary Customer, before clicking the “+” button to add additional members.

Clicking the “Select Primary Customer” or “+” buttons will open a customer search dialog where users can select a customer to be added to the membership.

When a customer is selected, users will be prompted to verify the customer’s basic information. This allows the user to ensure they are selecting the correct customer, and to make any changes to the customer profile that may have changed.

All selected members are shown on the right side of the dialog. The primary member is labeled, and any additional members can be added or removed using the “+” button, or the “x” buttons next to each member.

If autopay is chosen as the membership term, the user will be prompted to set up the autopay payment method once “Add to Cart” is clicked. Any existing payment methods on the primary customer’s record will be shown in this dialog. Users can select once of these, or they can click the “+” to add a new one.

Although “Select” is not enabled until a method is chosen, this step can be skipped at any point in this dialog, but will need to be updated in the customer record before autopay will need to run next, or the customer will lose their membership.

Once “Add to Cart” has been clicked, and if applicable, autopay has been set up or skipped, the membership will be shown in the cart with all participating members and pricing listed. The primary customer will be shown at the top of the cart as the purchaser.

The cart item can be clicked to remove the plan from the cart or update plan details. If the autopay payment method was chosen, this will show here as well.

Once the user has checked out (See How to Check Out) the new plan will be shown in each participating member’s customer record.

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