The kiosk settings configuration screen allows users to define settings for peripherals and other items for the kiosk software. When using a Stealth computer with a built-in receipt printer, users will have to configure the correct cash drawer and paper cut commands for your specific printer model.
Step-by-step guide
Although printers can differ between Stealth models ,most of the ones recently are models that work with the following commands:
Cash Drawer: 27,112,48,40,40
Paper Cut: 27,105
These would be configured in the Kiosk Configuration screen shown below. The numeric values should be separated by commas, but no spaces. Those cash drawer and paper cut options should only be configured on Stealth computers, and should be turned off on all non-Stealth test machines such as laptops and tablets.
Users will need to enable the printer before the cash drawer or paper cutter can be set.