Symphony 2020.10.1 Release Notes
Released → October 14, 2020
What’s new in 2020.10.1
Add mobile image support to Theater Space
Thanks to National, we added the ability to upload mobile versions of theater space images! 🎉
New tabbed layout for setting Desktop and Mobile slide background
If no mobile background, the desktop background will be used
Can mix and match videos and images, ex: a video on desktop and an image on mobile
Recommended resolution for mobile images & videos is 500 pixels wide by 425 pixels high
The slides will scale up and down to maintain the same dimensions for different screen sizes, so 100% of the 500x425 slide will be shown all the time
Updated the Theater Space preview area to more accurately depict how the slide will look
Rearranged the Button Style section to make better use of the editor space
National Site
Rescue Christmas - Dynamic Data Map
Added the Interactive State Map module to Ministry pages
Landing Pages lose hero image sizing
Added the Theater Space mobile to Landing pages
Show more GDOS search results
Updated result limit to 40
Updated the News page to support being a Google Publisher page
Move media contact info under article title & add publish date
Add social media share icons to articles
Add Featured Image to news items
Add tagging functionality to news items
Add a "Salvation Army News" heading to news articles & list
Public Site
Central Territory
Fundraising Thermometer Module - Phase 1
This is a basic thermometer that shows the fundraising goal, amount raised, percent funded, time remaining, and a donate button. For Phase 1, all of these fields are entered manually. We’re working on getting approval for a Phase 2 which will integrate with Classy to display real-time campaign amounts.
USW Kroc
Bullets default to gray even when rest of text is a different color
Text will default to white on darker backgrounds – anything other than white, light grey, very light grey, or cream
Update Module Rule
Horizontal rule will default to white on darker backgrounds – anything other than white, light grey, very light grey, or cream
Mobile Theater Space videos don’t autoplay
Can’t set URL for Alert Bar links
North Texas Division
Replace Giving Toolbar with Main Menu
This update replaces the Giving Toolbar with the main navigation items to make a horizontal menu on desktop
Get started by going to Conductor > Settings > Page Settings > Allow Local Admins to Choose to Use Their Giving Toolbar as Their Main Navigation
When the Conductor setting is on, this toggle will appear in the local site’s Site Settings (it shouldn’t show if the conductor setting is off)
When a local admin turns that setting on, they will be able to select menu items like normal and they’ll show up in the Giving Toolbar
For now, you can only display 2 levels deep (main level + 1 child)
Bugs fixed in 2020.10.1
Twitter share links are Broken
Twitter updated their URL structure for sharing
Youtube embed links are broken
Youtube updated their URL structure for embedding