Welcome to the Ministry Snapshot!
Welcome to the Ministry Snapshot!
The goal of the “Ministry Snapshot” project is to automate the existing Command Annual Review (CAR) to provide the same information shown in the existing CAR spreadsheets in a modern, web-based, user-friendly interface. This will eliminate the existing burden on the officers and staff, thereby allowing them to focus on The Salvation Army’s Mission.
While the Ministry Snapshot not only provides the CAR information, it also includes a "Dashboard" where each user can create their own unique view into dozens of data sources that exist within the Southern Territory. Furthermore, the Ministry Snapshot was designed to grow. Each year new data sources will be introduced into the Ministry Snapshot to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of all users. It has also been designed to assist each Officer with their moves. As an Officer moves into a new appointment the Ministry Snapshot will automatically move with them and show the data related to the new location.
Finally, the Ministry Snapshot was built with Security in mind. Once logged in, each user is automatically limited to the scope of their current appointment. Therefore, Corps Officers are limited to the data associated with the Corps, while Divisional Officers have access to not only that Division's data, but also all of the Area Commands, Corps and Outposts that are within that Division. Territorial Officers will have access to all locations within the Territory.
All of the above ensures that the Ministry Snapshot is a tool to be used throughout the year and for years to come! Enjoy!!
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