Released → March 20, 2020
What’s new in 2020.3.2
National / TRG Changes
NS-61 Setup State Accordion for National Site
Here’s an example of the different colors you can use for the accordion. Just apply the class to the <label>
, ex: <label for=”accordion-2” class=”u-blueDark”>…</label>
A live example can be found here:
NS-62 Setup Carousel to Handle COVID-19 Photos
Need to upload 2 versions of each image:
Normal (large) size for lightbox
320px x 180px size for thumbnail
The large one goes in the
<a class=“html5lightbox” href="LIGHTBOX IMAGE URL">
The thumbnail goes in the
<img src="THUMBNAIL" />
inside the lightbox link
Sample code can be found here:
NS-51 LGBTQ Page Updates (Carousel)
Issues Addressed in 2020.3.2
SYMO-98 Issue with Recurring events
Fixed issue where events repeated on the first, second, third, etc day of the month did day which day they were repeating on. For example, events repeating “Monthly on the Third Sunday” were only saying “Monthly on Sunday”.
SYMO-103 Issue with PO Box Breaking Maps
Fixed issue with “PO Box” in the Address Line 2 field breaking Media Box Half maps.
SYMO-109 Video Auto-Embed Broken
Fixed issue where pasting a youtube link into a Free Text Area wasn’t automatically embedding the video.