https://base.url.org/mvc/api/oms/appointments/personnel-by-date?territoryId={territory ID}&startDate={from date}&endDate={to date}
Parameter Name | Required | Description | Default |
territory ID | required | the numeric ID of the territory | — |
startDate | required | the earlier end of the date range to search. The date format is yyyy-MM-dd | — |
endDate | required | the latter end of the date range to search. The date format is yyyy-MM-dd | — |
Examples https://base.url.org/mvc/api/oms/appointments/personnel-by-date?territoryId=59&startDate=2019-06-01&endDate=2019-06-30
Retrieves the personnel data for territory with ID = 59 where the appointment takes place during the month of June, 2019.
200 OK | Results were found that match the request and are included in the response body |
401 Unauthorized | The current account in the request header does not have access to the API |
403 Forbidden | The current account in the request header does not have access to the territory requested in the request URL |
404 Not Found | Returned if NO results were found that match the specified criteria |
500 Internal Server Error | One or more request string parameters are invalid or an error was encountered by the server while processing the request |