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Community Connect version 1.2 Release

  • November 25th, 2022 → Community Connect Release

  • October 25th, 2022 → Community Connect Release

  • September 27th, 2022 → Community Connect Release

  • August 30th, 2022 → Community Connect Release

  • July 26th, 2022 → Community Connect Release

  • July 5th, 2022 → Community Connect Release

  • June 6th, 2022 → Community Connect Release

  • May 6th, 2022 → Community Connect Patch Release

  • April 26th, 2022 → Community Connect Release

  • March 29th, 2022 → Community Connect Release

  • February 23rd, 2022 → Community Connect Release

  • January 31st, 2022 → Community Connect Release 1.2.9

  • December 21st, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • October 26th, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • August 31st, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • July 29th, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • June 29th, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • April 27th, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • March 30th, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • February 24th, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • February 8th, 2021 → Community Connect Release

  • January 26th, 2021 → Community Connect Release 1.2.8

  • November 19th, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2.7

  • November 2nd, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2.6

  • September 30th, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2.5

  • August 27th, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2.4

  • July 31st, 2020 → Community Connect Release

  • July 28th, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2.3

  • June 30th, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2.2

  • May 26th, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2.1

  • May 7th, 2020 → Community Connect Release

  • March 30th, 2020 → Community Connect Release 1.2


Review the details for each release below.


What's New in 1.2…

November Community Connect Release


release date: November 29th, 2022


Community Connect Kiosk - NEW APP!

  • When renewing a non-autopay membership and changing the term to autopay, the kiosk is now prompting for the autopay card.

  • When making a downpayment on a class and also applying a discount, the discount is now applied to the full class price, and not to the downpayment amount. For example, if purchasing a $100 class with a 25% discount, and making a $20 downpayment, the $100 class is discounted to $75. Then the $20 downpayment is collected, leaving a balance due of $55. Previously, the discount was incorrectly being applied to the downpayment itself.

  • When purchasing a class for a prorated price, the downpayment option is no longer permitted if the prorated amount due is less than the minimum downpayment amount. In this case, the remaining amount must be paid in full.

  • When making a downpayment on a class, the kiosk no longer allows you to enter a downpayment amount that is greater than the balance due.

  • When making a downpayment on a class and then later applying a discount that reduces the amount due for that class in the cart, the downpayment amount is now automatically reduced to the amount due if the discount resulted in a new class price that is less than the downpayment amount entered.

  • If a customer has a balance due for a class but then is removed from the roster, the kiosk will no longer prompt to collect the remaining balance.

  • If a customer is on a wait list for a roster class that also offers single visits, the customer is no longer automatically removed from the wait list if they only purchase a single visit. If they purchase the entire class, they will continue to be automatically removed.

  • When renewing a membership plan, the start date is now set correctly for all renewal terms, including autopay. When an autopay plan is renewed within one calendar month of expiration, the start date is now set back to the first of the current month.

  • The activity list in the activity dialog now shows the number of people checked into the class in addition to the number purchased and the total class capacity.

Community Connect Online Sales

  • An issue that could cause SMS (text) messages not to be sent under certain circumstances within Online Sales has been corrected.

Customer Communications

  • A change was made to how we record which emails sent to customers were actually opened. Apple recently introduced a new feature that would allow the device itself to open an email anonymously even when the user didn’t open it. Community Connect now ignores these messages, and only records emails being opened when actually clicked by the user. Device initiated opens are now ignored. This may result in a noticeable reduction in the number of emails reported as Opened within Community Connect reports.

October Community Connect Release


release date: October 25th, 2022


  • The Marketing Member List Report now allows selection of multiple Member Package and Member Category parameter values.

  • The Customer Total Purchases Report now allows selection of multiple Membership Plan parameter values.

Community Connect Kiosk - NEW APP!

  • Added the ability to print the Roster for any roster class.

  • Added the ability to print the Wait List for any roster class.

  • Adjusted the printed sales receipt to show punch card discount and payment amounts more clearly.

  • Fixed an issue where employee discounts were being applied to roster classes, but not to drop-ins or single visits.

  • Fixed an issue where selling a class to a specific customer directly from the Wait List tab of the Activity Dialog was sometimes showing an error and not allowing the user to complete the sale of the class.

  • Added the remaining punches to the printed sale receipt when a punch card is used.

  • Scanning a customer barcode from the Membership Renewal dialog on a multi-member plan now adds the customer to the plan without the need to do a search.

  • Fixed an issue where customers who are no longer active on a roster were still showing on the roster tab in the kiosk.

  • Fixed an issue where the “No customer record found” message resulting from scanning an invalid customer barcode from within the customer advanced search dialog would appear behind the search window, and therefore was partially hidden.

  • During the class sale process, a customer who has a single visit in the cart is now still eligible to be added to the Wait List. (Note that if the full roster class purchase is in the cart, they are still considered ineligible for the Wait List.)

  • On membership plan renewals, the start date of the plan is now read-only, since renewals by definition are extending the existing plan.

  • On membership plan changes, the start date of the new plan is now read-only, since a change of plan is always effective immediately.

  • When in the Customer Advanced Search dialog, the basic search button is now disabled. Previously, the user could click either the simple or advanced search button, which was causing confusion about which search was being executed.


release date: September 27th, 2022


  • The Building Entry Marketing Report now correctly filters by Center.

Community Connect Kiosk - NEW APP!

  • Made changes to improve customer search performance.

  • Customer search is now limited to 50 results, and shows a “Showing 50 of XXX“ message when there are more than 50 matches.

  • Fixed an issue where the customer profile screen would not open and an error was displayed if the Center did not have any Tags defined.

  • Added the ability to scan a gift card to view or print the remaining balance.

  • Added the ability to scan a punch card to view or print the remaining punches.

  • Added the ability to copy address information from the primary billing customer in the customer profile screen.

  • Added the ability to select a custom date range when viewing customer purchase history, allowing you to view purchases from more than one year ago.

  • Added the ability to print the selected customer purchase history data.

  • Added the ability to select a custom date range when viewing customer entry history, allowing you to view building entries from more than one year ago.

  • Added the ability to print the selected customer entry history data.

  • Added the ability to scan coupons, punch cards and employee discounts directly from the cart without the need to first open the discounts dialog.

  • Added the ability to view and print the activity attendance list from any activity in the Activities tab of the class detail dialog, including drop-ins and single visits.

  • Dimmed the display of the autopay payment amount in the cart to help clarify that the autopay amount is informational and not included in the amount due today.

  • Added the remaining balance for a class to the receipt when making a partial payment.

  • A customer can no longer be added to the waitlist if they are already on the waitlist, already on the roster, or have the class already in the cart for purchase.

  • Fixed an issue where the list of available Tags was sometimes not reset after clearing a search.

  • The simple search button is now disabled when doing an advanced search in the customer search or purchase history dialogs.

  • In the customer search, performing an advanced search now clears any pre-existing simple search criteria.

  • In the purchase history dialog, clicking the “X” to clear the search clears the search criteria in both the simple and advanced search.

  • The Save button is no longer shown in the customer photo edit dialog when no camera is connected.

  • Cleaned up some minor UI issues with margins, colors, and other aesthetic improvements.


  • Openings for roster, drop-ins and single visits now correctly handle unlimited capacities rather than showing 0 openings for unlimited classes.

  • When adding a payment method or completing a purchase, online sales will now show an appropriate message if temporarily unable to process the transactions.


  • Added the customer barcode to the Autopay Status History Report.

  • Added spacing between rows in the Autopay Status History Report to make a clearer separation between rows.

Community Connect Kiosk - NEW APP!

  • Fixed an issue where scanning an invalid coupon barcode in the discounts dialog would crash the kiosk.

  • Fixed an issue where scanning an invalid employee barcode in the discounts dialog would crash the kiosk.

  • Added the ability to search for customers using tags in the advanced search when selecting customers for activity waitlists, membership sales, day pass sales, activity sales, concession sales, as a purchaser in the sales cart, and when adding members to a multi-member plan in the customer module.

  • When adding multiple customers to an activity sale, the “+” button will no longer scroll off the bottom of the screen as more customers are added.

  • If a concession item has no prices defined, the kiosk will now prompt for a price as it does when a $0 price is selected. Previously, this would cause an error loading the concession item in the sales module.

  • Corrected an issue which could, under certain circumstances, cause a customer to appear only on a single activity rather than on the class roster when purchasing that roster class from the Daily Agenda or Customer Agenda screens.

  • In the membership sales dialog, the term “Unit Price” has been replaced with “Autopay”, “Annual”, or “Monthly”, depending on the selected plan term.

  • In the day pass sales dialog, the term “Unit Price” has been replaced with “Daily”.

  • In all areas where a customer photo is displayed, a red dot (similar to the green dot that indicates a building entry today) has been added when the customer has the Do Not Allow Entry flag set.

  • When searching for customers to add to an activity, membership, day pass, concession, waitlist, or other customer list, customers who were not eligible were disabled and could not be selected, but there was no indication as to why they were ineligible. In these situations, the reason they are not eligible will now be shown in the search results list.

  • When using the Advanced Search to look up a customer and then choosing to create a new customer, the following fields will be copied to the new customer record if specified in the Advanced Search: First Name, Last Name, Email, Birthdate. (Note that the phone number is NOT copied, since the search has only one Phone field to search all three types of phone numbers, and the system would not know which of those three phone number fields to populate.)

  • When a user did not have access to edit customer health data, clicking on one of the checkboxes in that screen would still highlight that checkbox, even though the value could not be changed. Readonly checkboxes are no longer highlighted in this scenario.

  • Corrected an issue where certain Tags would no longer be available for selection in the customer search after using them in a previous search and then clearing the search criteria. It is no longer necessary to leave the search screen and come back in order to reset the list to the full set of Tag values after clearing a previous search.

  • Fixed an issue where the date and time at the top of the kiosk screen would freeze on the last day of each month.

  • Customers with the Do Not Allow Entry flag set can no longer be added to a membership or day pass sale. (Prevention of activity sales for these customers was released last month.)

  • When a barcode was manually entered for a customer in the customer profile screen, the entered barcode was changed automatically on Save if the barcode entered was already in use, but there was no obvious notification to the user. This has been changed to no longer reassign the barcode, but instead to show a validation error and prevent the Save until corrected manually.

  • In membership purchase or renewal screens, the separate Override buttons for Unit Price and Registration Fee have been replaced with a single Override button. If the current user does not have permission for price overrides, they will be prompted one single time for supervisor override when clicking this button. The button now opens a single dialog that allows overrides for:

    • Unit Price or Registration Fee on Annual or Monthly plans

    • Unit Price, Registration Fee, and “Due Today” price on autopay plans

  • When adding customers to the following lists, the added customers will appear in the order they were added. If necessary, the list will automatically scroll down to show the last customer added.

    • When adding customers to a plan in Membership sales

    • When adding customers during Day Pass sales

    • When adding customers to a multi-member plan in the customer module.

  • If an autopay plan was added to the sale cart but the autopay payment method dialog was skipped, the dialog to add or choose the autopay payment method will now be shown again if you edit the cart item.

  • If a monthly or annual plan was added to the sale cart and then edited and changed to an autopay plan, the dialog to add or choose the autopay payment method will now be shown.

  • Fixed an issue in the Purchase History screen where switching to advanced search was not clearing any previously entered simple search string, which sometimes resulted in an error.

  • Corrected an issue where the refund amount shown on a receipt was incorrect when the refund occurred as part of changing a customer membership plan to a less expensive plan.


  • For roster classes that allow single visits, the number of openings are now shown for each activity in the single visit list.

  • When showing available openings for classes, the number or openings will no longer show a negative number. If oversold, the number of openings will show “0 Openings”.

  • Added the ability for customers with autopay to be able to turn off their autopay online.

    • This feature was made available at USW on July 5th, but is now available for centers in all territories.

    • This feature is turned off by default for all centers except those at USW.

    • Please contact your Territory’s Kroc Specialist to enable this new feature in Online Sales.

    • Keep in mind that this feature is required in the state of California.


  • Modified the Health Partners Enrollment Report to allow the user to enter a custom date range. (USE ONLY)

  • Modified the Invoice Report to allow the user to limit the number of customers in the drop down to those with open events within a specified date range. The date range can be edited, and closed events can also be optionally included.

  • Added a new Autopay status history report that shows a list of any members whose autopay has been turned on or off (or has been suspended or unsuspended) within a specified period of time.

    • This report was made available at USW on July 5th, but is now available for centers in all territories.

    • For those centers who have turned on the new feature that allows customers to turn off their autopay online, you can optionally filter the report to just those customers who did it online in order to help identify members with whom they may want to follow up.


release date: June 6th, 2022


  • Updated the Building Entry by Kiosk report to include results for Pilot Kiosks.


This release includes a number of changes to the new Community Connect Kiosk being piloted and also includes a couple of report changes. There are several locations in each territory piloting the new Community Connect Kiosk application! The new kiosk has all major functionality completed and we are continuing to add more features and improvements.


  • Updated the Expired Members report to include a “Home Phone” column within the report.

  • Updated the User Access report to include a filter to allow a user to filter “Active” users, “Inactive” users, or both “Active AND Inactive” users.
