Released → October 3rd, 2019
USW Kroc Symphony
USC Symphony
USW Symphony
What's new in 2019.10.1
✅ SYMC-151 Story header images can now be seen when sharing posts on social media
✅ SK-97 Ability to Syndicate Landing Pages
You can now Create & Syndicate Landing Pages the same way you can Syndicate Stories, Slides, etc:
✅ SK-98 & 99 Added the ability to Share assets from Conductor
- Very similar functionality to Syndication, except Sharing creates a copy of the asset (landing page, slide, story, etc) and gives it to the local admin.
- The local admin can then edit, publish, or delete the asset as they see fit. It's theirs to do with what they wish.
- When the local admin edits the local asset, the original is not effected in any way.
- Select the sites you want to share with and click Send
✨ BONUS Also updated the Syndication window to match the new Share style
- Syndication still occurs as you select sites (no Send button):
✅ SK-100 Local Admins can set the logo in Site Settings
- Turn on the feature in Conductor > Settings:
- When it's turned on, Display Site title & Logo fields are shown in the local admin Site Settings:
- Display Site Title controls whether or not the title is shown on the front-end:
- Logo controls whether the default DTMG text + Shield is used or an image:
- Sizes
- On Desktop, the logo will be 70 pixels tall.
- On Mobile, it will be 30 pixels tall.