OMS Appointment Data by Unit API

OMS Appointment Data by Unit API

Children API

This API will appointment data by the org tree unit ID.

https://base.url.org/api/orgTree/unit/{{ ID }}/child-positions?asOf={{ date:”yyyy-MM-dd” }}&primaryOnly={{ true/false }} 


Parameter Name




IDrequiredthe numeric ID of the org tree unit
asOf optionalreference date for the appointments and when not used the results will default to the current dateCurrent date
primaryOnly optionallimits the results to just primary appointments (true) or includes all appointments (false) and it defaults to true.true


200 OK

Results were found that match the request and are included in the response body

401 UnauthorizedThe current account in the request header does not have access to the API

403 Forbidden

The current account in the request header does not have access to the territory requested in the request URL

404 Not Found

Returned if NO results were found that match the specified criteria

500 Internal Server ErrorOne or more request string parameters are invalid or an error was encountered by the server while processing the request

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