Similar to the Marketing Member List, this report lists customers' contact info who purchased concession items between the specified dates.
The report can be filtered by concession category, item, prices, and modifiers.
There are three columns that reference the concession item sale:
Sale Item is the description of the sale item as it appears on the receipt
Total Purchased is the number of purchases made by the customer of this particular sale item over the date range.
Most Recent Sale Time is the date and time of the last, or most recent, purchase of the sale item by the customer.
The parameters function in the same way as the the parameters on the Concession Sales by Itemreport with the following exceptions:
Do Not Contact: specifies whether or not to include or exclude customers who have requested to not be contacted for marketing purposes (def. Exclude)
Email: optionally filters the report on customers who have listed or have not listed an email address (def. All)
Address optionally filters the report on customers who have listed or have not listed a street address (def. All)
The new report can be found in the Marketing category.
Revised Reports
Cumulative Stats Overview
Revised report title, name, and column headings to not specify "Kroc" as the report can now apply to multiple center types.
Online Sales
Revised overall sales total row to break out the sales by subtotals (unit price * quantity), total discounts, and final amounts (subtotals - discounts).