The Officer Review tool heavily relies on the Service Review site which is where users work through the evaluation and review process. The Service Review site allows users to login, see their assigned reviews, perform an evaluation and finalize the review process. The following information will help users understand how to use the Service Review features.
The Service Review allows users to enter their email and password to enter and see a list of any surveys they have been assigned. See "My Reviews" below for additional information.
Alternatively, users can choose to enter their email and token and be directed into a specific review in-progress. The "token" is a temporary password unique to a specific user and review. The token will be different for each user every time they participate in a review.
My Reviews
When a user logs into the Service Review site they will see the "My Reviews" screen. They will be able to easily see a link to any review they have been assigned.
Click on a review to begin the evaluation and review process!
The review site will have a consistent heading to help users with navigating through the evaluation and review process. Each time the review is opened it will begin at the introduction screen. As users progress through the review the timeline points will change from black to blue when the section is completed.
The timeline will mark the users current place in the review with a blue ring around the point on the timeline. The timeline points can be selected to jump to a different part of the review.
When the user has started answering the evaluation questions the points on the timeline will change from black to a hollow blue circle. Once a section of questions are complete the circle will change to a solid blue circle.
Hover your mouse on a point on the timeline to see a description for what it represents.
The review heading will provide a “Next” button for users to select and progress, step-by-step, through the entire review. At times the button will also serve as a “save” button when text needs to be entered and save.
The review heading will also provide options for attaching documents, adding comments and a menu to step to a different part of the review.
The evaluation is the portion of the review where users are rating the performance of the person in review. At any point in the review users can use the timeline to see where they are at in the process.
The evaluation will begin with an introduction screen summarizing information about the person in review along with the mission statement and covenant.
When they click “Next”, the user will be able to add their personal mission statement and also informative comments for other participants to see prior to beginning the evaluation.
Evaluation Questions
As users step into the evaluation they will have a summary of each section of the review before they begin choosing their responses.
Once users see an evaluation question they will read the statement at the top and then click one of the options below. When a selection is made the review will automatically advance to the next evaluation question.
A change can be made to a response by clicking the appropriate question number and choosing a different rating.
Users will continue answering ALL evaluation questions until they see the evaluation summary. The evaluation summary will list all of the evaluation answers selected while also highlighting those marked as vital few.
Click on ANY question to jump to that question and make an adjustment if desired.
Each question will also have an optional “Vital Few” toggle just above the provided responses. The vital few flag should be used by the review participants to identify an area or areas for growth. Later in the review, these will be used to create attainable goals for future discussion.
Submit Evaluation
After the evaluation summary users will be prompted to submit their evaluation responses. In order to submit the evaluation ALL evaluation questions will need to have an answer ("Not Applicable" is counted as an answer).
At a minimum, the person in review and the review both need to have submitted their evaluations before the review process can begin.
Users will want to create some goals to be discussed with their reviewer. These can be done at any time before or after reviewing the evaluation with the reviewer. Goals must be established prior to closing the review. Use the "vital few" selections (areas needing growth) identified during the evaluation to formulate the goals.
When creating a goal users will be required to enter XX, XX, and XX.
An optional area of the review is the accomplishments screen. There is a link to it from the "Submit Evaluation" screen but users can always access it from the menu at the top right.
Once both the person in review and the reviewer have submitted their evaluations they can begin the review (discussing the outcome of the evaluation). The user performing the review (aka the "Reviewer") will start the review by selecting “Start Review.”
Once the "Start Review" button is clicked the review will be locked and changes cannot be made to the evaluations. Any observer that has not submitted their evaluation will NO longer be able to participate.
Once started, the person in review will be able to see selections made by the reviewer and see the reviewer's concluding comments. Based on the evaluation discussion, update/add any goals to finish up the review process.
Closing Review
After the review has been completed all assigned users, the person in review, reviewer and unit commander (if assigned), will need to add final comments and digitally sign the review. Once everyone has signed off on the review, the person in review (officer being reviewed) will have the option to close their review.
If a unit commander was not assigned to the review then only the person in review and the reviewer will need to sign the review before it can be closed.