What membership plans can be renewed online and under what circumstances? When and where can I renew my membership?
When can I renew my membership online?
There are a number of prerequisites that must be met before membership plan renewal becomes available:
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Membership plan renewal prerequisites:
You must be the primary billing customer. You cannot be on a scholarship (those with scholarships must renew at the Center). Your membership plan must be an active plan (if the Center is no longer selling your membership plan then the plan will be set to inactive). )Your membership plan must be allowed to be sold online (if the Center decides to no longer sell your membership plan online, you will not be able to renew your membership plan online either). )Your membership plan cannot be set to never expire (In this case there is no need to renew). )You cannot have purchased day passes for yourself following your membership plan. Your membership plan must be current or considered "recently expired" (past expiration date but before the end of the following month). )An exception to this is if your membership plan has auto payments in which this prerequisite is replace by: You must have a credit card on record for auto-payments. Your membership plan must have "recently expired" or in cases where an auto-payment defaulted the membership plan can current.
If the above prerequisites are met then you can renew your membership online.
How do I renew my membership online?
Membership plans can be renewed in on the "My Membership" page and can be accessed from the main menu. If "My Membership" is not available but instead replace with "Contact Info" then you do not have an active membership. To the right of the membership payment information is the renew button.
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Steps to renew a membership plan:
Sign into your account. Open the main menu and expand "My Account".
Image Removed Image AddedPrimary-click "My Membership". After the "My Membership" page loads, primary-click the "Renew" button.
Image Removed Image AddedA "Renew Your Membership" pop-up is displayed. Primary-click the desired "Add to Cart" button of the various options.
Image Removed Image Added
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