The ROS service is used to check for potential matches between customer accounts in Community Connect and a registered sex offender registry. The registry used in Community Connect is Predator Barrier -- a public, subscription-based online service where users can search by name, birthdate, and state for potential matches against a registered sex offender database. The database is owned and maintained by Predator Barrier and access to the data is only accessible via the web service.
- Predator Barrier accounts are obtained on a territory-wide basis and maintained by the territory. Each account is issued an access token that the ROS service uses to authenticate to the Predator Barrier service.
- The web service used to flag or clear matches is only accessible inside the corporate VPN so a user must be logged in to the VPN to access the links in the potential match emails/notifications.
There are several configuration settings that can be set by the center to scan for potential matches:
- Birthdate Buffer (default: 5) specifies the maximum difference (in years) between the birthdate specified in Community Connect and the registry that would qualify the entry as a potential match
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| membershipInactiveBuffer |
| membershipInactiveBuffer |
Membership Inactive Buffer (default: 60) specifies the number of days after a membership has passed the end date to continue running the member through the registry- Minimum Age (default: 18) a member must be at least this age to run the name through the registry
- States (default: <none>) the list of state abbreviations to search. At least one state is required for the search to run.
- Services (default: FILL, MATCH) specifies the services to run on a monthly basis. The available services are:
- FILL fills the search queue with the list of members to scan (see details below on how members are queued)
- MATCH runs the match queries against the registry to determine potential matches
- SALES fills and matches any recently added customers. This is run every 5 minutes by default and is not required to be set in the configuration options
- Email Recipients (default: <none>) specifies the list of emails addresses where notification emails for potential matches should be sent
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| loadingTheSearchQueue |
| loadingTheSearchQueue |
Loading the Search QueueThere are two occasions during which the search queue is loaded with customer records for searching the registry:
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| salesServiceScans |
| salesServiceScans |
Sales Service ScansThe following customer records are loaded into the search queue when a new record is created in the database:
- Any customer who is at least Minimum Age years old, regardless of membership or activity status
Because all new customer records are scanned this covers all members, activity participants, and/or rental customers.
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| monthlyServiceRuns |
| monthlyServiceRuns |
Monthly Service RunsThe following customer records are loaded into the search queue on the first of each month:
- Any billing customer who
- Any family member who
- is currently linked to a billing customer found in the above criteria, and
- is at least Minimum Age years old
- Any customer without a membership plan who
- is registered for any class activity, and
- is at least Minimum Age years old, and
- does not have a billing customer linked to their record, and
- the class activity has taken place within the last month or will take place within the next three months
When a potential match is found by the ROS service, an email notification is sent out to the emails configured in the options for the center. At this point a user response is required to determine if the potential match is actually a match or not.
- If the user determines that the suggested match is not a match, the customer record is removed from the queue of potential matches and will be scanned again upon the next run if the customer meets the criteria specified above
- If the user determines that the suggested match is actually a match, the customer record is added to a match list. Once on the match list, the customer record is no longer queried in the registry. NOTE This does NOT automatically flag the customer as a DENY ENTRY customer. The user must update the customer's record in RMS to flag the customer and deny entry.