There aren't many centers in the table and you should be able to find the right center manually by looking at the results.
Some centers may ask to have certain memberships or accounts filtered out or add additional columns.
If you need to filter out data add your filter to the Where clauses of the first two select statements selecting into a temp table.
If you need to add an additional column you’ll need to add another column to all three selects statements as all the data is combined with a union at the end and they need to have the same amount of columns.
After you’ve finished and run the SQL statement, export them to a CSV file, delete the first column, and upload the file to the corresponding folder for the Center and Datatype your pulling to their shared google drive here: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1JmvsNZ5sNtaB_DP4fns_JYm77z1PnMo9
(You’ll need to request access to get into that drive. Be sure to request access from your commonforge.co email)