THQ Conductors have the ability to edit HTML on any Free Text Areas (or Content areas in the case of Stories & Events).
Sub-Theme Setup
- SK-24 Store page types & properties per Conductor in database
- Similar to Seed Content, Page Types (Home, Ministry Pages, Landing Pages, Ways to Give, etc) are stored as a blob of JSON data.
- This data drives how page types are displayed on the root admin page (/admin/) and tells each page type what kinds of properties it can have.
- By editing this data, the properties on each page type can be altered.
- The data for each type must be structured as follows:
"name": "about", (lower case, non-spaced version of the title)
"pageType": "about", (lower case, non-spaced version of the title)
"docType": "webpage", (can only be webpage, news, or events)
"title": "About Us",
"plural": "About Us", (plural version of the title)
"singular": "About Us", (singular version of the title)
"usePreview": true, (whether the property builder shows a preview)
"icon": "far fa-address-card", (icon to use on the root admin page)
"idx": 1, (position on the root admin page)
"allowHide": true, (show the Show/Hide toggle on the root admin page)
"pageGroup": false, (if the pages are grouped or displayed individually on the root admin page)
"showInNavigation": false, (whether to show in the admin navigation or not)
"properties": [ ] (list of properties available on the page type) - The data for each property must be structured as follows:
"title": "Theater Space",
"name": "slides", (name of the property – check with Devnext for the name of each property)
"idx": 0, (position on the page)
"active": true, (whether to use the property or not)
"allowHide": true (allow users to hide the property)
SK-25 Load front end properties dynamically from Page Types configuration
SK-26 Load admin nav and admin builders dynamically from Page Types configuration
SK-27 Add ability to select a Symphony Theme in Conductor