The following is a list of commonly asked questions and answers.
Why can’t I get into my reviews?
A secure TSA network connection or a browser launched in Citrix needs to be used. After confirming with THQ that the website is operational, refer accessing the site issues to the Divisional IT Team.
Can I send all my invitations at once?
At this time you cannot send invitations in batches. You will need to send out invitations individually one by one.
How can I see all comments?
Click on the comments link in the menu icon at the top right and check the box “Show all.” All comments will print on the last page of the printed review.
How can I see all attachments (portfolio items)?
Click on the portfolio link in the menu attachment icon at the top right and check the box “Show all.” All comments will print on the last page of the printed review.
If the reviewer is the unit commander, do I need to assign the same name in both columns?
Yes, a name is required in both places. With approval, the DHQ administrator may impersonate the Unit Commander and check the digital check box for the Unit Commander’s comments assuming the review was completed and a concluding comment added No, if both roles would be filled by the same person then only assign them as the reviewer.
We have a new Unit Commander. How does he/she get access to the OSR site?
IT teams have been given authorization to manage the OSR AD access lists for each divisionPersonnel will be able to add OSR permissions to their OMS user.
How do I give someone else at DHQ access to the OSR site?
IT teams have been given authorization to manage the OSR AD access lists for each divisionPersonnel will be able to add OSR permissions to their OMS user.
How do I print a review?
Use the "Reports & ChartsMenu" link to print a copy of the review or using the OSR Review Log-in page.
Is there a maximum number of Goals?
Yes, only three goals may be entered.